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Search Results for City Of Asheville

City of Asheville Zoning Regulations; Chapter 7 – Development, Section 29.1309- Solar Energy Systems
Date Added: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
North Carolina
In its lengthy Zoning Ordinance, the City of Asheville has dedicated only a small subsection to the implementation of solar energy systems within its zoning districts. In Sec. 7-14-1(b)(a), the City’s only real general requirement is that “private, non-commercial solar energy systems shall comply with the minimum setback requirements.” The subsection goes on to describe the requirements for a variance the Board of Adjustment may grant to decrease the required setbacks or allow the installation to be located in the front yard. The subsection, ho.. Read More

City of Asheville Hillside Area Development Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Ridgeline Protection    
North Carolina
This law regulates the density of development on steep slopes and high elevations. It makes use of natural topography and relative steepness of slope to determine the nature of development and grading... Read More