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Search Results for City Of Ashland

City of Ashland Solar Access Ordinance; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
In its Zoning Code, the City of Ashland has dedicated a lengthy chapter on Solar Access. The purpose of the Solar Access chapter is “to provide protection of a reasonable amount of sunlight from shade from structures and vegetation whenever feasible to all parcels in the City to preserve the economic value of solar radiation falling on structures, investments in solar energy systems, and the options for future uses of solar energy.” The rest of the chapter provides requirements for where solar energy systems may be placed including lot classifi.. Read More

City of Ashland Incentive Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Incentive Zoning    
The City of Ashland uses a performance-based system to allow increased development densities with quality design. The purpose of the Ashland City Code Title 18 is to allow an option for more flexible design than is permissible under the conventional zoning codes. Designs should stress things such as energy efficiency, architectural creativity and innovation, and use the natural features of the landscape to their greatest advantage. .. Read More