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Search Results for City Of Auburn

City of Auburn & Town of Owasco Public Water Supply Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Drinking Water Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
These rules and regulations apply to the protection of Owasco Lake and its tributaries, which are a source of the public water supply for both Auburn and Owasco. They require materials harmful to the public water supply, which include agricultural waste, sewage, pollutants, herbicides, and pesticides, to be a certain distance away from the lake and its tributaries. The rules and regulations also require regular inspections of the lake and its tributaries to ensure there are no violations of the public water supply boundary requirements... Read More

Planned Unit Developments
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Auburn, Maine has recently implemented a zoning code change that allows Planned Unit Development (PUD). The PUD can be located in residential, recreation/residential, commercial, and industrial zones provided that public sewer is available. The code outlines the permitted uses of each PUD zone and discusses dwelling units, off-street parking, design, density, and more. To make it easier to establish a PUD, the district allows changes in the dimensional requirements typically established for each zone. Additionally, the planning board can.. Read More

City of Auburn Solid Waste Recycling Program
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
New York
This law outlines the recycling program in Auburn, New York... Read More