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Search Results for City Of Bloomington

City of Bloomington Environmental Quality and Conservation Commission
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
The commission is tasked with collecting information on the environmental condition of the city and making recommendations to the city government. They have a large amount of flexibility and can conduct hearings, hire consultants, collect data, review the work of city departments, and generally assess the city’s environmental performance... Read More

City of Bloomington Environmental & Urban Design Standards
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Landscaping, Tree Preservation & Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The primary focus of this ordinance is to promote the preservation and expansion of the city’s heavily vegetated environment. There are specific requirements for development and landscaping that promote plantings which will increase the percentage of tree crown coverage, provide shade in the summer, protect from winter winds, and satisfy other environmental and aesthetic goals... Read More

City of Bloomington High Intensity Mixed Use with Residential District Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency, Mixed/Multiple Use, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
The Bloomington City Code provides for an “HX-R” zoning district (high intensity mixed use with residential) that aims to reduce vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled by maximizing high-intensity development in close proximity to transit. The ordinance prohibits drive-through and other car-oriented uses. It provides a minimum density of 30 dwelling units per acre of gross site area for residential development in order to promote a critical mass of dwelling units in an area that can support neighborhood-oriented retail and service uses (the.. Read More

Bloomington Indiana Green Building Program
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
In the Municipal Code contains a Green Building Program, Chapter 2.29. The purpose of this program is to further the city’s commitment to environmental, economic and social stewardship, yield cost savings to city taxpayers through reduced operating costs, provide healthy work environments for staff and visitors, reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, and prepare for a current period of reduced supply of oil and natural gas. The program adopts LEED certification. .. Read More