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Search Results for City Of Boulder

City of Boulder Green Building and Green Points Program
Date Added: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The City of Boulder, Colorado, just 25 miles northwest of Denver, lies within Boulder Valley east of Rocky Mountain National Park. Boulder is known for its outdoor activities, including cycling and running, and has earned a reputation as “green” city due to the City’s walkability, transit oriented development, green building techniques, and overall aesthetically pleasing design. The Green Points Program (“Green Points”), created in 1996, was the first mandated municipal residential dwelling building code in the country. Boulder’s green building.. Read More

City of Boulder Code § 9-9-17 Solar Access Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Monday, December 18, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The City of Boulder, Colorado’s solar access regulation divides the city into three solar access areas to provide maximum solar access protection for each area, consistent with planned densities, topography, and lot configurations and orientations. The regulation then establishes solar fences in two of these solar access areas. Each solar fence completely encloses a lot in question, and its foundation is contiguous with lot lines. Further, solar fences are vertical, opaque, and lack any thickness. The regulation then forbids the construction of.. Read More