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Search Results for City Of Burlington

Evaluation of the City of Burlington's Inclusive Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Passed ordinance that applies to any development of 5 or more dwelling units. The ordinance targets 65% AMI for rentals and 75% AMI for sales. Compliance with the ordinance provides developers with density and lot coverage bonus between 15% and 25% in addition to up to 50% parking waiver. Where the average price of units is 0-139% AMU, 15% of units must be affordable. Where the average price is 140-179% AMI, 20% of units must be affordable. Finally, where the average price of units is 180% or more AMI, or is located in the waterfront district, .. Read More

City of Burlington, Washington Zoning Regulations; Solar Access
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Section 14.48.110, placed within the City Code’s chapter on performance standards, lists solar access criteria for any new construction that is south of existing residential land in Burlington, Washington. The criteria include prohibiting multi family, commercial, or industrial structure more than one story in height from shading the maximum building envelope of any existing dwelling as determined by the angle of the sun on December 21st; site plans that show the shading impacts of new structures on existing dwellings or vacant lots; and measur.. Read More

City of Burlington (VT) Zoning Regulations and Development Review Standards; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Within its Development Review Standards Article in its Zoning Code, Burlington, Vermont includes provisions to encourage solar energy system installations. A major goal in Burlington is to support the use of renewable energy resources, including maximizing solar access within an applicant’s site plan. Maximizing solar access is not limited to only residential or actual building projects, but also where public space is provided as an amenity to the site plan; the open space shall be sited on the parcel to maximize solar exposure. Additionally, s.. Read More