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Search Results for City Of Carlsbad

City of Carlsbad Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Affordable Housing    
The City of Carlsbad, CA adopted an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance that requires fifteen percent of all residential plans be set aside as affordable housing. The city also established guidelines that allow developers to receive credit towards the requirement, thereby reducing the fifteen percent limit, if certain, more desirable affordable housing units are provided. If the fifteen percent requirement is not feasible on-site, the city may allow a developer to construct second dwelling units or rehabilitate an existing structure. .. Read More

City of Carlsbad Second Dwelling Units Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Affordable Housing , Development Standards, Fair Housing, Zoning    
The Second Dwelling Units Ordinance allows the construction of second dwelling units by permits, subject to certain requirements, in order to achieve affordable housing goals... Read More