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Search Results for City Of Charlotte

City of Charlotte Transit Oriented Development Districts
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Overlay District, Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
North Carolina
Charlotte’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) zoning district and the related overlay districts were created to encourage a compact and high intensity mix of residential, office, retail, institutional, and civic uses in areas with high potential for enhanced transit and pedestrian activity. To achieve the high-density mixed districts, minimum densities and floor area ratios (FAR) increase in areas closest to transit stations. In addition, development standards, such as minimum building setbacks, are implemented to encourage pedestrian friendly.. Read More

City of Charlotte Development Approval Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Pre-Application & Consensus Building    
North Carolina
A public notification process is formalized in the development process for certain land uses to engage the public in a heightened fashion and consider their suggestions before the process is finalized... Read More