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Search Results for City Of Chicago

City of Chicago Vacant Buildings Registration Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
The city of Chicago, Illinois, enacted an ordinance requiring owners of vacant buildings to perform several tasks within 30 days of the building’s vacancy. These tasks include: enclosing and securing the building; posting a sign on the building providing the owner’s and his or her agent’s contact information; acquiring substantial liability insurance for the building and; registering the vacant building with the Department of Buildings. This registration last for six months and costs $250. If the building remains vacant at the end of the si.. Read More

Chicago, IL Density Bonuses for Green Roofs
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Density    
Green roofs are periodically inspected by the Department of Zoning. The floor area bonus for qualifying green roofs is calculated as follows: Bonus FAR = (area of roof landscaping in excess of 50% of net roof area ÷ lot area) × 0.30 × Base FAR... Read More

The City of Chicago Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Policy Plan
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Equity    
This document begins by stating how Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) has unfolded in Chicago in inequitable ways, often indicating displacement patterns. In response, this document provides three Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD) policy recommendations. First, Chicago needs to build the city’s capacity to support eTOD. This includes formalizing cross-agency coordination, creating formal accountability, developing a comprehensive eTOD calculator mapping tool, and engaging communities. Second, this document suggests making eTOD requ.. Read More

City of Chicago Rooftop Solar PV System Application Process; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, January 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The City of Chicago has made installation of both small rooftop solar PV systems (<13.44kw) and large rooftop solar PV systems (those generating greater than 13.44kw) easier than ever before by easing restrictions and streamlining processes, saving time and design costs. Applicants for small rooftop systems can now access the City’s Easy Permit Process (EPP) where qualifying projects can receive same-day permit approvals at reduced fees. For projects that meet the Easy Permit Process (EPP) requirements, the permitting process was cut down from .. Read More