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Search Results for City Of Fayetteville

City of Fayetteville Tree Preservation & Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Landscaping, Tree Preservation & Protection    
This ordinance was enacted in order to provide for “regulation of the preservation, planning, maintenance, and removal of trees within the city.” This is achieved through the creation of a tree registry to protect trees that are valuable due to their history or their species. In addition, the ordinance provides guidelines for general protection of the trees under circumstances such as development, pruning, and planting. .. Read More

City of Fayetteville Redevelopment Standards & Incentives Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Incentive Zoning    
The Redevelopment District regulation provides incentives for redeveloping an already developed site, rather than on pristine land. It provides density bonuses and waivers of impact fees in order to encourage redevelopment of blighted areas and compatible development... Read More

City of Fayetteville Imposition of Development Impact Fees Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Impact Fees    
New York
Fayetteville has an impact fee statute which requires a developer to pay for engaging in development. This payment of this fee is designed to rebuild infrastructure or otherwise protect the environment in proportion to the developments impact on the community in relation to the impact the activity has on the environment. The ordinance has multiple exceptions for development which does not increase the housing units on a parcel... Read More