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Search Results for City Of Hartford

Hartford, CT Anti-Blight
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Vacant & Distressed Properties, Healthy Communities    
Vacant and distressed properties are a financial burden on the community and have a negative effect on public health. Hartford, Connecticut has an “Anti-Blight Program” in its Municipal Code. The code contains provisions mandating the registration of vacant buildings, requiring a quarterly city report indexing blighted properties, and offering a property tax assessment deferral for owners who repair and rehabilitate blighted properties. .. Read More

Hartford CT Fresh Food Requirement for Stores
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts, Low Nutrition Uses, Equity    
In Hartford, Connecticut, the zoning code requires twenty percent of the net floor area of any convenience store to sell fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, whole grain cereal, dairy products (excluding ice cream), and canned or dried goods without unhealthy additives. Requiring convenience stores and food trucks to provide more healthy food options helps combat food swamps and deserts. .. Read More