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Search Results for City Of Hendersonville

City of Hendersonville Subdivision Regulations Article III Design Standards and Improvement Requirements, 3-102 Lot Requirements, 3-102.6 Driveways/Access to Lots, Section 3- 102.605 Design Standards for Residential Driveways
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Steep Slope Protection, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Regulations    
§ 3-102.605 of the City of Hendersonville’s Subdivision Regulations provides design standards for residential driveways in accordance with considerations appropriate to public health and safety and to limit possible traffic hazards. Specifically, where permitted, driveways fronting designated collector and arterial routes are to be designed so that vehicles are not required to back onto these highways. This section also regulates the slope of residential driveways: the slope of any driveway should not exceed 8% for the first 15 feet; driveways .. Read More