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Search Results for City Of Ithaca

City of Ithaca (NY) Municipal Code, Chapter 283: Stormwater Utility
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Stormwater Management    
New York
The City of Ithaca’s Stormwater Utility chapter describes the calculation of stormwater user fees charged for costs incurred by the City in providing stormwater services. This monthly fee is equal to the product of $4 and the number of Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) of impervious surface area on the lot, less any credits for the lot approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. One ERU is equal to 2,300 square feet, the average amount of impervious surface area on a residential property as determined by the Common Council. The stormwater.. Read More

Policies Encouraging Farmers Markets
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Farmers Markets    
New York
Ithaca, New York a diverse and flourishing local food community with a deep and enduring interest in organic foods, sustainable local agriculture, cooperative food markets, community gardens, agricultural education, and a more equitable local food system. Despite this solid foundation, Ithaca has noticed that there is more work to be done. Primarily, this food needs to be made accessible and affordable to all members of the population. Ithaca’s Comprehensive Plan established a goal to locally integrate the production, processing, and distrib.. Read More