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Search Results for City Of Kansas City

FOCUS Kansas City
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
FOCUS Kansas City is a comprehensive twenty-five year plan. It is too large to be online, and can be purchased from the city. It has over 600 initiatives, and Kansas City has been working on and with the document since 1994. Phase II of the plan along with implementation strategies were adopted by the City Council in October of 1997. The plan has resulted in seven neighborhood FOCUS centers intended to house neighborhood projects and keep local projects close to home... Read More

Kansas City Subdivision Approvals Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Subdivision Approvals    
The purpose of this ordinance includes providing adequate light, air, and preventing undue congestion of population through the regulation of subdivision. The Master Planned Community Districts require identification of green spaces and is geared largely at protecting natural spaces and encourage creativity in land use. .. Read More

Kansas City Disposal of Tires & Batteries Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
This ordinance includes specific regulations for disposal of tires and batteries. .. Read More

Kansas City Zoning and Development Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
According to its Zoning & Development Code, building-mounted and ground-mounted solar energy systems are permitted in all zoning districts in Kansas City, Missouri as accessory structures. The section on accessory solar energy systems in the Code authorizes property owners to negotiate for any desired solar easements to protect access to sunlight. The section goes on to list certain regulations for both building-mounted and ground-mounted solar energy systems. For example, solar energy systems may not extend more than three feet above the appli.. Read More