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Search Results for City Of Ketchum

City of Ketchum Dark Sky Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, January 19, 2017
To protect the ability to view the night sky and conserve resources, the city of Ketchum passed a law known as the “Dark Sky Ordinance” in June of 1999. The ordinance regulates exterior lighting by requiring lights to shine downward only and reduce glare. Dr. Stephen Pauley, a local retired physician, was the visionary behind the ordinance. The town focused its efforts on an aggressive awareness campaign for businesses and residents, and provided inexpensive ways to change current fixtures. .. Read More

City of Ketchum Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The City of Ketchum incorporates solar access throughout its zoning regulations. One way in which the city integrated solar access is in the context of parks. According to its regulations, parks will be designed to have open space for solar access during the colder months. Another example is within the city’s Design Review District. One of Ketchum’s purposes for that District is to “provide for and protect existing light, air, solar access and orientation, privacy, views, and vistas by the proper and efficient location of building sites and des.. Read More