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Search Results for City Of Newburgh

City of Newburgh Zoning Law, Section 300- 52 Environmental Constraints
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Steep Slope Protection, Zoning    
New York
Consistent with the general purposes of the City of Newburgh Zoning Law, the Supplementary Regulations set forth environmental constraints to control potentially objectionable external aspects of all uses. The regulations require specific conditions for steep slopes (greater than 15%): adequate erosion control and drainage measures must be in place to prevent erosion and sedimentation; the cutting of natural vegetation must be minimized; safety hazards such as subsidence, road washouts, landslides, flooding, or avalanches must be prevented; and.. Read More

Programs for Brownfield Remediation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
New York
The City of Newburgh, New York hosts a range of brownfield sites due to its industrial legacy. Newburgh currently has identified eight municipally owned brownfields, and there is potential for others existing on both private and public lands throughout the city. The perceived or actual risks of remediation can have far-reaching and negative side effects; brownfields have been shown to deter future growth, increase urban sprawl, lower the economic value of surrounding communities, and pose a threat to the health of local communities. Fortunately.. Read More

City of Newburgh Environmental Constraints Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Local Environmental Law, Steep Slope Protection, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law limits the areas within the City of Newburgh, NY in which construction can take place, as a means of protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Particularly, this law places restrictions on construction in wetland and watercourse areas, as well as steep slope areas. .. Read More