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Search Results for City Of San Antonio

San Antonio Ordinance Approving and Adopting Sustainable Task Force
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
Mission Verde focuses on economic growth and development to drive environmental and equitable outcomes, rather than using environmental goals to drive economic growth. The intent of the plan was to invest in energy saving initiatives that would save the consumer and the community money, and serve as a catalyst for job creation and innovation. Ordinance 2009-03-12-0179 discusses adopting the Sustainable Building Task Force, provides amendments to the city code to implement certain recommendations, providing for an effective date and severance. .. Read More

City of San Antonio Aquifer Recharge Zone and Watershed Protection
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Aquifer Protection, Watershed Protection    
San Antonio establishes its Aquifer Recharge Zone and Watershed Protection law in order to meet its “goal of nondegradation which maintains or improves the quality of water entering the Edwards Aquifer.” Persons wishing to develop in the recharge zone must submit a lengthy application that details the features of the property, creates plans for sediment control, drainage, and maintenance, details the activities that will take place on the property, and sets up required monitoring and performance requirements as provided by the law... Read More

Transportation and Street Design
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Traffic Calming & Safety    
Section 35-506(t) of San Antonio’s Unified Development Code states that the City has identified long, wide streets encourage speeding. The code requires that the length of blocks comply with section 35-15(b)(3); however, blocks can be lengthened if traffic calming features are implemented. Approved traffic calming features include roundabouts, median islands, and “T” intersections. The shorter block and increase in traffic calming features will cause residents to feel safer using alternative methods of transportation such as biking or wa.. Read More