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Search Results for County Of Blaine

County of Blaine Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Blaine County, Idaho has created a number of zoning regulations in its county code. As part of its regulations, Blaine County has dedicated a chapter specifically for solar utilities facilities. These regulations include how collector system panels and mounts are to be installed; height restrictions of BIPB and roof collected mounted panels; and the way in which ground and pole mounted solar collectors are to be anchored. Blaine County has also created additional standards for solar energy systems located within the county’s overlay districts. .. Read More

County of Blaine Wildlife & Scenic Highway Overlay Districts
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
Although Blaine County, Idaho, has a small population (the largest city is Hailey, pop. 6000), its municipal code includes several environmental protections, including two overlay districts. The wildlife overlay district is designed to protect migratory routes of the major species in the county, particularly elk, deer, and antelope, by restricting residential development and requiring residents to work closely with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. The scenic highway overlay district was written in part to prevent wildlife from being tra.. Read More