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Search Results for County Of Lexington-Fayette

County of Lexington-Fayette Rural Land Management Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Lexington-Fayette urban county government has established this ordinance as a means of institutionalizing the procedure for the protection of natural resources through conservation easement. According to the statue, found under Chapter 26 Rural Land Management (RLM), the RLM Board shall administer any conservation easement program funded by the urban county government, thus bestowing a considerable amount of discretionary power... Read More

County of Lexington-Fayette Greenspace Commission
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The urban county government of Lexington-Fayette has established a Greenspace Commission, which has been mandated to “(1) to develop a comprehensive open space plan and (2) to preserve, protect and enhance open space in the county”, and which is enabled to identify, for example, natural areas environmentally sensitive areas, and water resources and seeks to protect and preserve them and, where appropriate, to enhance them. In addition, the unique nature of this body has been the charge to “utilize and manage open space in a comprehensive and s.. Read More