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Search Results for District of Columbia

District of Columbia Quick Acquisition of Abandoned & Nuisance Property
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
State: Not Applicable
The District of Columbia enacted the Quick Acquisition of Abandoned and Nuisance Property Act. This act provides the Mayor authority to file petition in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia to alleviate nuisance and blight conditions on abandoned properties. The petition may seek to condemn, take possession, or take title to abandoned properties. Upon filing petition, the Mayor must deposit with the court, fair market value of the abandoned property and file notice of the petition with the recorder of deeds. If the fair market val.. Read More

District of Columbia Tree & Slope Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Overlay District, Steep Slope Protection, Tree Preservation & Protection    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this ordinance is to preserve steep slope topography, mature tree stands, surrounding ecological areas and the open space character of residential areas near stream banks and public parks. It protects natural resources by restricting tree removal, limiting impervious cover and restricting ground coverage of new and existing buildings... Read More