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Search Results for Town Of Bedford

Town of Bedford Aquifer Protection Zone
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Aquifer Protection    
New York
In order to protect groundwater quality, this ordinance gives specific allowances for the amount of sewage flow a specific type of dwelling can produce, and restricts certain activities in the aquifer zone, such as dry-cleaning, photo processing, auto service, and hazardous waste and septic sludge storage and disposal. Activities such as using road salt and deicing material require a special permit. .. Read More

Town of Bedford Community Preservation Ordinances
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016
Land Acquisition, Open Space Preservation    
Bedford’s Community Preservation Ordinances adopt the Massachusetts General Law Ch 44B, Community Preservation Act. Article 2 levies a 3% property tax surcharge, to be set aside for activities outlined in the Community Preservation Act, including open space preservation; and Article 6 establishes a Community Preservation Committee. The Community Preservation Act is a state law designed to encourage open space preservation by authorizing communities to raise funds through a property tax surcharge, as well as offering potential matching state fu.. Read More

Town of Bedford Aquifer Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District    
New York
This ordinance delineates an aquifer protection zone where certain uses and activities are regulated or prohibited. It includes a Table of Uses and their Wastewater Equivalents, which can aid in community development and planning. The boundaries of the protected zone are delineated on an official map, prepared by hydrogeologists... Read More

Town of Bedford Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New York
Within its Zoning Chapter, the Town of Bedford includes solar panels in its Accessory buildings or structures section, § 125-27. Bedford lists solar energy collectors and studios as an accessory structure permitted in all districts, subject to a list of requirements including floor area minimums and maximums, height maximums, and ground floor area measurements. § 125-27, however, does not specify requirements for solar energy systems individually. Bedford created the Bedford Energy Task Force to help the Bedford 2020 Coalition accomplish .. Read More

Town of Bedford, Accessory Apartment Regulation
Date Added: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Accessory Uses    
New York
The Town of Bedford is part of the Plus One ADU Program. Currently, Bedford allows up to one accessory dwelling unit (ADU) per home in all single-family residential zones, upon approval of application by the Planning Board. Accessory cottages are not permitted; ADUs must be attached to the main dwelling unless in districts R-2A or R-4A. No permit shall be granted until 5 years after the construction of the entire structure including accessory structures. Permits are valid for 5 years. The accessory apartment cannot be more than 25% of the floo.. Read More