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Search Results for Town Of Denton

Town of Denton Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
According to Denton, Maryland’s zoning chapter, solar collectors and similar equipment, fixtures, and devices are exempt from district height limitation set forth within the rest of the chapter. The chapter, however, makes no mention of where solar collectors are actually permitted. Additionally, within its Bufferyard Requirements Appendix, the Town of Denton makes a small mention of solar access. In a sub-section under the Plant Material section, the Town allows for understory trees to be substituted for canopy trees where canopy trees would d.. Read More

Town of Denton Zoning Bufferyard Requirements; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
According to Denton, Maryland’s zoning chapter, solar collectors and similar equipment, fixtures, and devices are exempt from district height limitation set forth within the rest of the chapter. The chapter, however, makes no mention of where solar collectors are actually permitted. Additionally, within its Bufferyard Requirements Appendix, the Town of Denton makes a small mention of solar access. In a sub-section under the Plant Material section, the Town allows for understory trees to be substituted for canopy trees where canopy trees would d.. Read More