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Search Results for Town Of Ellington

Town of Ellington Earth Excavation Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Site Design Standards    
The Town of Ellington, Connecticut’s Earth Excavation Code sets out the criteria for excavation activities including erosion control, wind erosion control, dust control, working slopes, minimum setbacks, topsoil preservations, buffering, and landscaping. The Earth Excavation Code also limits sound pressure levels, truck access, and hours of operation when working at an excavation site adjacent to a residentially zoned district... Read More

Town of Ellington Crystal Lake Sewerage System Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Sewage Management    
This ordinance sets out the methodology by which the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) assesses residential and commercial property owners in the Crystal Lake area most benefited by the sewer system constructed to eliminate public health hazards of under-sized, on-lot disposal systems and raw wastewater discharges in this high density area. Vacant land shall not be assessed by the WPCA until it is built upon and derives direct benefit from the system. Assessments may be spread out over up to 30 years, as determined by the WPCA, but remai.. Read More

Town of Ellington Age-Restricted Cluster Housing Zone
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Affordable Housing , Clustering & Cluster Development, Overlay District, Senior Housing, Zoning    
The Age-Restricted Cluster Housing Zone (ARCHZ) is a floating zone designed to increase availability of market rate privately developed, common interest communities for empty nesters and seniors, while maintaining the rural character of the town, preserving open space and protecting natural resources. ARCHZ zoned property shall only be used for single-family, attached or detached residential housing. Each unit must contain at least one individual 55 or over (or the survivor of such a person); and no more than one child, who must be at least 18 .. Read More

Town of Ellington Earth Excavation Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Landscaping    
This law requires that excavation and removal or importation of more than 1,000 cubic yards of earth within any zoning district over one year, from any single parcel of land, requires a special permit. A detailed erosion control plan and a final landscaping plan must be submitted before the permit can be issued. A sufficient amount of topsoil must be set aside and not removed from the premises. Excavators must keep sound levels within prescribed limits, restrict hours of operation, buffer the work site, and control truck access to minimize dang.. Read More

Town of Ellington Hockanum River Watershed Sewerage System Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Sewage Management, Watershed Protection    
This law details the Water Pollution Control Authority’s ability to assess commercial and residential pieces of property abutting sewer lines and connected to sewer lines. Definitions for use within this law include deferred assessment, capacity charge, commercial property, industrial property, sewer lateral line, residential unit assessment, and storage space. The law details how assessment of benefits occurs with residential property, commercial and industrial property, developer-constructed sewer extensions, and farmland. While all properti.. Read More