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Search Results for Town Of Gorham

Town of Gorham Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New Hampshire
Within its Zoning Ordinance, the Town of Gorham in New Hampshire defines solar energy systems as “any equipment or system utilizing solar energy to provide electricity and/or space heating or cooling, hot water heating and swimming pool heating.” Within the Town of Gorham, roof- or wall- mounted solar collectors are a permitted use in all zoning districts. Non-roof- or wall-mounted solar energy systems, however, are only allowed by special exception. “All installations are required to meet Section M2301 of the International Building Code.” .. Read More

Town of Gorham Land Use and Development Code § 1A-4[A][4]- Solar Access; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Sunday, January 7, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The Town of Gorham’s density bonus provisions provide a maximum density bonus of 25% over the allowable base density for residential and nonresidential uses in planned unit developments (PUD) in exchange for public amenities, including solar access and energy efficient design, layout, and construction. To qualify for a bonus of 5 percent above the allowable base density, a PUD may provide solar access to 40 percent of the dwelling units and ensure through appropriate deed restrictions that dwelling units will utilize solar energy systems for wa.. Read More