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Search Results for Town Of Plymouth

Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Mixed/Multiple Use    
Redbrook in Plymouth, Massachusetts has a variety of housing types in a 1,000+ unit development project with 10% designated affordable. There is single family, condominium, townhome, twin home, cottage, and apartment housing. Redbrook is zoned for mixed use to provide residents with a walkable space in which they may live, work, and recreate. There is an over 400-acre conservation area in Redbrook... Read More
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Mixed/Multiple Use    
Redbrook in Plymouth, Massachusetts has a variety of housing types in a 1,000+ unit development project with 10% designated affordable. There is single family, condominium, townhome, twin home, cottage, and apartment housing. Redbrook is zoned for mixed use to provide residents with a walkable space in which they may live, work, and recreate. There is an over 400-acre conservation area in Redbrook... Read More

Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Mixed/Multiple Use    
Redbrook in Plymouth, Massachusetts has a variety of housing types in a 1,000+ unit development project with 10% designated affordable. There is single family, condominium, townhome, twin home, cottage, and apartment housing. Redbrook is zoned for mixed use to provide residents with a walkable space in which they may live, work, and recreate. There is an over 400-acre conservation area in Redbrook... Read More
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Mixed/Multiple Use    
Redbrook in Plymouth, Massachusetts has a variety of housing types in a 1,000+ unit development project with 10% designated affordable. There is single family, condominium, townhome, twin home, cottage, and apartment housing. Redbrook is zoned for mixed use to provide residents with a walkable space in which they may live, work, and recreate. There is an over 400-acre conservation area in Redbrook... Read More