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Search Results for Township Of Chesterfield

Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Smart Growth, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)    
New Jersey
Chesterfield enabled a TDR program to create a town center in preparation for well-planned future growth. Chesterfield’s 1997 Master Plan envisioned a “neo traditional town center in the receiving area with a variety of housing types (including affordable housing), neighborhood shops and services, a school and other civic uses and recreational open space. Preserved farmland would surround the “planned village” and Chesterfield’s three historic hamlets. ” The TDR ordinance enabling that plan was passed in 1998 alongside a change to the zoning in.. Read More

Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New Jersey
The transfer of development rights program allows for the shifting of development pressure from agricultural, environmentally sensitive, or open space areas of the township to villages designated for limited growth. The program allows the township to maintain its rural character while encouraging planned development. Land is preserved by transferring development rights from “sending areas” in rural parts of the township to three existing villages and one new village that have been designated as “receiving areas” within community development b.. Read More