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Search Results for Township Of Readington

Agricultural Residential Zone for Readington Township in Hunterdon County
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Clustering & Cluster Development    
New Jersey
Readington Township passed this Agricultural Residential Zone Ordinance to preserve open space and farmland. This ordinance requires that within the designated Agricultural Residential (AR) zone, any lots over 40 acres must be developed as 1.5 acre open space clusters. Land tracts that are 30 acres or greater adjacent to deed restricted farmland or open space within the AR zone must also be developed as 1.5 open space clusters. .. Read More

Township of Readington Open Space Trust Fund
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016
Land Acquisition, Open Space Preservation    
New Jersey
This ordinance authorizes the creation of an open space fund into which the dedication of $.02 per $100 of assessed valuation of annual taxes. The funds are to be used for the acquisition of open space. The fund also permits the acceptance of donations and testamentary bequests to this fund. .. Read More