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Search Results for Village Of Long Grove

Village of Long Grove Conservancy Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
This ordinance is meant to act as a supplement to already existing zoning regulations to create conservation districts. Within these districts, additional protection will be afforded to protect against the degradation of the environment through such things as erosion, flooding, deforestation, and pollution... Read More

Village of Long Grove Tree Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Tree Preservation & Protection    
This regulation used the protection of the trees to further other environmental objectives such as soil stability, reduction of noise pollution, moderation of temperature, and wildlife habitat. It aims to achieve these goals by requiring replacement of trees which have been removed, damaged or destroyed, as well as by protecting older trees as determined by their diameter at breast height (DBH)... Read More