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State of Illinois State Zoning Enabling Act – Municipal Ordinance

Zoning    State Land Use Law   
Urban | Suburban | Rural
Corporate municipal authorities may regulate by ordinance to provide for comprehensive regulation of beneficial uses, protection from harms, and mitigation of activities associated with the use of land within their jurisdiction. Examples include height and bulk restrictions on buildings; set back lines along streets, trafficways, drives, parkways, or storm or floodwater runoff channels or basins; and limitations on the intensity of the use of lot areas, including the area of open space, within and surrounding such buildings. Municipal zoning authorities supersede county counterparts in all instances. Municipal jurisdiction extends to contiguous lands up to one and one-half miles outside established corporate boundaries, except where expressly limited by county authority. However, municipal authorities are required to consider the future impacts of such uses, to ensure that extra-territorial land uses are reasonable. Furthermore, regulations cannot be enforced where a landowner would be deprived of the otherwise lawful use of the lot. See 65 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/11-13-1 et seq. (2004).