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State of New York Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Act

New York
Urban | Suburban | Rural
The purpose of this statute is to prevent coastal erosion from destroying natural resources, property, and human life. This statute states causes of erosion and presents policies to address erosion. The main focus is on the identification of coastal erosion hazard areas and the creation and implementation of local laws to address the problems in such areas. The state commissioner in consultation with local governments must identify hazard areas in the state and then hold public hearings before the final identifications are made. The commissioner must review the boundaries of each hazard area every ten years. After the final identification, cities, towns, etc. must submit an erosion hazard area law applicable to the area within its jurisdiction. If the jurisdiction fails to submit a law or the commissioner determines the law is not consistent with the purposes of this article and in accordance with the minimum standards then the county in which such jurisdiction is located must submit a hazard area law. This statute states the minimum standards in section 34-0108. If a city which wholly includes one or more counties fails to submit a hazard area law or if the law is disapproved, the commissioner must issue and enforce regulations which apply the minimum standards to the hazard area. The commissioner must provide technical assistance to the local governments in the preparation and implementation of hazard area laws. Any person aggrieved by an order or decision of the commissioner may seek judicial review.