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The City of Redmond Site Requirements for Residential Zones Ordinance

City Of Redmond   
Urban | Suburban |
The City of Redmond established basic site requirements for residential zones while implementing Redmond’s Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, and the County-Wide Planning Policies. These requirements set basic dimensional standards for residential development while providing flexibility in project design, maintaining privacy between adjacent users, and preventing public nuisances. There is a prescribed level of permitted density, this is to maintain a consistent and compatible land use pattern in Redmond’s residential neighborhood. Some exceptions to the minimum density include construction of any new dwelling unit on an existing lot of record and if the development contains 60% or more affordable housing units. The average lot size, minimum lot width circle, minimum lot frontage, the building setback, the building separation, the maximum lot coverage for structures, the maximum height of structures, and the maximum impervious surface all must meet certain specifications. For waterfront buildings along Lake Sammamish, they shall be setback a distance measured from the ordinary high water mark. Water oriented structures are permitted in the residential zones, provided such structures comply with the special height, setback, and area requirements. There is a minimum open space requirement that maintains community character by providing visual relief, open space, adequate outdoors space for residents of residential developments, and enhanced public safety. The site requirements chart establishes the basic dimensional requirements for residential development in each residential zone.