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North Carolina’s Template Solar Energy Development Ordinance; Solar Zoning

Zoning    Solar Energy   
Urban | Suburban | Rural
The Template Solar Energy Development Ordinance for North Carolina defines solar energy systems (“SES”), in part, based on their physical size measured in acres. According to the state’s model ordinance, Level 1 SESs include those that are ground-mounted on an area of up to 50 percent of the footprint of the primary structure on the parcel but no more than 1 acre. Level 2 SESs are ground-mounted systems with a footprint of less than or equal to a half acre in residential districts, less than or equal to 10 acres in general commercial business and office-institutional districts, and of any size in industrial districts. Finally, SESs that do not satisfy the parameters for Level 1 or 2 systems are designated as Level 3 SESs.