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City of Beacon, New York Code-Chapter 223: Solar Collectors and Installations

Zoning    Solar Energy   
New York
City Of Beacon   
| Suburban |
The City of Beacon, New York’s Code has an article dedicated to solar collectors and their installation. The height of freestanding and ground-mounted solar collectors (permitted as accessory structures in all zoning districts) and any mounts shall not exceed twenty feet when oriented at maximum tilt. For large-scale solar collectors or solar farms (which are prohibited in areas zoned for residential use), the maximum height for freestanding solar panels located on the ground or attached to a framework located on the ground shall not exceed 20 feet above the ground. Collectors and mechanical equipment, including any structure for batteries or storage cells, shall be enclosed by a minimum of six feet high fence with a self-locking gate provided with landscape screening. A sign not to exceed eight feet shall be placed on or near the main access point and shall list the facility name, owner, and phone number. Any solar installation project proposed or sponsored by the City may be exempt from these provisions at the discretion of the City Council.

There are no height limitations for roof-mounted solar collectors except for the restrictions provided in the Central Main Street District and the Linkage District. Collectors shall be installed in accordance with requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Code and erected only to such height as reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose for which they are intended to serve, but the maximum height of a panel in a tilted position shall not exceed two feet above the surface of the roof, unless in a nonresidential district, and such structures shall not obstruct solar access to neighboring properties. In a nonresidential district, the maximum height of a panel in a tilted position shall not exceed five feet above the surface of the roof. In residential districts, panels facing the front yard must be mounted at the same angle as the roof's surface with a maximum distance of 18" between the roof and highest edge of the system. Solar panels affixed to a flat roof shall be placed below the line of sight from a public right-of-way, except where the subject right-of-way is at a higher elevation than the first-floor elevation of the building.