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City of Biloxi Zoning and Sustainable Design Regulations; Solar Zoning

Zoning    Solar Energy   
City Of Biloxi    
| Suburban | Rural
Biloxi, MS has dedicated an entire section in its zoning code to Sustainable Design in order to “promote sustainable development practices as a means of addressing global climate change, protecting natural resources, and ensuring a high quality of life for future city residents.” As part of encouraging its citizens to build more sustainably, Biloxi created a Sustainable Development Point Requirement, where “all applications for approval of a Site Plan for nonresidential, mixed-use, and multifamily residential development” shall incorporate a number of design options from a table in the section, Table 23-6-12(C). Within the table of design options, Biloxi has included solar panels. Biloxi also offers options to an applicant to receive Sustainability Bonuses to be applied toward the required point system. Among those options is the generation of a minimum of 20 percent of the electricity needed by the development from alternative energy sources, like solar.