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West Hollywood Green Building Ordinance

City Of West Hollywood   
Urban | Suburban |
West Hollywood adopted one of the nation’s first mandatory green building ordinances, and it became effective in 2007. The ordinance ensures that new buildings will be healthier for residents, and use energy and resources more efficiently. Flexibility, responsiveness to local conditions, and cost-effectiveness are key features of the ordinance. The City has created a green building manual to guide users through the process. The green building requirements and incentives and private development ordinance focus on establishing new development standards that apply to all development, including all new residential and commercial projects as well as remodels and tenant improvements, develops a point system for new construction with incentives for projects that achieve exemplary status and implements green building education and outreach program. The green development standards are green building requirements for remodels, tenant improvements, additions and new construction. These standards were incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance so that all projects incorporate elements such as drought-tolerant landscaping, low-flow plumbing fixtures, and energy efficient appliances.