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Search Results for City Of Beacon

City of Beacon, New York Code-Chapter 223: Solar Collectors and Installations
Date Added: Monday, June 18, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New York
The City of Beacon, New York’s Code has an article dedicated to solar collectors and their installation. The height of freestanding and ground-mounted solar collectors (permitted as accessory structures in all zoning districts) and any mounts shall not exceed twenty feet when oriented at maximum tilt. For large-scale solar collectors or solar farms (which are prohibited in areas zoned for residential use), the maximum height for freestanding solar panels located on the ground or attached to a framework located on the ground shall not exceed 20 .. Read More

Multi-Family Dwelling District
Date Added: Sunday, June 3, 2018
Transportation Efficient Development, Healthy Communities    
New York
The City of Beacon plans to create a new community center for youth and seniors in or next to the central business district. The City encourages the police department to be involved in the planning and implementation of some of the youth planning through community policing. The goal is to create new opportunities for community development and for the youth and seniors to partake in activities to lead active and healthy lifestyles. The program also helps form a positive image of police officers in the community, which helps create stronger relat.. Read More