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Search Results for City Of Lincoln

City of Lincoln Flood Plain District
Date Added: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Floodplain Regulations    
The current ordinances of Lincoln are currently being posted in anticipation of the revised ordinances which are expected to be passed by the summer of 2004. The revised ordinances, which are specifically for new-growth areas, endorse the policy of No Adverse Impact, and the regulations reflect these tenets with provisions that include “no net rise”, “compensatory storage” and “minimum flood corridor.”.. Read More

City of Lincoln Floodplain Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Floodplain Regulations    
The current ordinances of Lincoln are currently being posted in anticipation of the revised ordinances which are expected to be passed by the summer of 2004. The revised ordinances, which are specifically for new-growth areas, endorse the policy of No Adverse Impact, and the regulations reflect these tenets with provisions that include “no net rise”, “compensatory storage” and “minimum flood corridor”... Read More

City of Lincoln Community Forestry Advisory Board
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Environmental Law, Local Governance    
This ordinance formally establishes a community advisory board within the city of Lincoln, appointed to develop "a comprehensive community forestry management plan" and to make recommendations to the mayor on "proposals concerning public arboreal resources," ensuring that these issues will be addressed as municipal priorities... Read More

City of Lincoln Urban Design Committee
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
This ordinance formally establishes an Urban Design Committee within the city of Lincoln, appointed to "improve the quality of life through urban design." This goal is based on considerations of "the impact of physical development upon the environment," among other quality of life goals, and charges the group with advising the city on "matters relating to urban design, visual relationships, architectural design, and aesthetics," allowing for a forum to address the environmental impacts of proposed urban development... Read More