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Search Results for City Of San Francisco

Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
The Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions paper was written as a part of the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Smart Growth Technical Assistance: Parking Reform Campaign. Its goal is to provide guidance on identifying key issues, reforming parking standards, and on how to regulate and manage parking in a way that supports development in urban infill areas, encourages balanced multimodal access, and reduces vehicle traffic. The guidance provided is based on best practices for access and parking regul.. Read More

San Francisco Green Building Code
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
To ensure that all buildings are healthy, sustainable places to live, work and learn, the San Francisco Green Building Code requirements reduce energy and water use, divert waste from landfills, encourage alternate modes of transportation, and support the health and comfort of building occupants in San Francisco. The 2008 green building requirements apply to newly constructed residential and commercial buildings and for major renovations to existing buildings. New construction in San Francisco must meet all applicable California codes, provide .. Read More

City of San Francisco Solar Energy Revenue Bond Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Solar Energy    
This is a voter approved ordinance which allows the city to issue 100 million dollars’ worth of revenue bonds to pay for solar panels, wind turbines and energy efficiency measures for public buildings. The measure is designed to pay for itself through energy savings and at no cost to taxpayers. The money that would have gone to buy electricity from power plants instead goes to pay down the bond. .. Read More

San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s 2008 Bay Plan incorporates policy considerations that are responsive to sea level rise. Because the Commission found that water levels in the Bay are likely to increase due in part to rising global sea levels, the Bay Plan establishes policies that structures on fill or near the shoreline have adequate flood protection and that all proposed development projects be “sufficiently high above the highest estimated tide level” for the expected life of the project. Furthermore, the Pla.. Read More

Community Opportunity to Purchase Act
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Affordable Housing , Displacement    
San Francisco, California’s Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (COPA) requires sellers of buildings with three or more residential units, or vacant land that could be developed into three or more residential units, to give qualified non-profit organizations priority to purchase. COPA was created to prevent displacement and encourage the creation and preservation of affordable housing. .. Read More

Affordable Housing Preference Program
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Affordable Housing , Displacement    
San Francisco, California’s Affordable Housing Preference Program establishes a preference for occupying units or receiving assistance from the city’s affordable housing programs. The program notes that a preference in qualifying for affordable housing for residents who have been, or are about to be, displaced is necessary. The city also assists in preserving access to schools, after school programs, stores, community centers, places of worship, and health care providers... Read More