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Search Results for County Of Nassau

Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Coastal Protection, Comprehensive Planning, Intermunicipal Agreements, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program offers a comprehensive vision for the preservation and development of the Long Island Sound coast in the State of New York. It focuses on four main issues: “The Developed Coast,” which seeks to incorporate the natural landscape of the sound with community development; “The Natural Coast,” which aims to achieve sustainable use of the Sound’s natural resources; “The Public Coast,” which has the goal of providing more public access to the Sound; and finally, “The Working Coast,” which encourages th.. Read More

Carbon Footprint Decrease
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Climate Change Planning    
New York
Nassau County’s development through the 20th century gave rise to sprawling suburban developments that necessitated the automobile and extensive roadway development. Nassau’s County’s 2010 Master Plan projected expected land use expansion over the next few decades based on current land use trends and population growth to discover an unsustainable trajectory. If this growth is dispersed throughout the county consistent with current land use trends, it is expected that traffic congestion, energy consumption and carbon emissions will continue to g.. Read More

Replacing Paving with Trees
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Low Impact Development & Green Infrastructure    
New York
Nassau County suggests planting medium height plants and trees on paved medians. Nassau goes further by promoting the use of double curbs to improve the aesthetics and allow rain to percolate into the ground, reducing runoff and improving water quality. These low impact development and green infrastructure policies will reduce sotrmwater runoff and improve water quality... Read More

Double Curbs for Complete Streets
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Complete Streets    
New York
Included in Nassau’s 2010 Master Plan is an initiative to improve the aesthetic and environmental performance of their downtown area through the repurposing of medians. Landscaping medians along arterial roadways and in use as parking lot buffers can improve the physical appearance and the environmental performance of a city. Trees in parking areas can provide shade and reduce heat generated by large areas of asphalt. This is a simple measure to combat the larger issues of heat island effect and climate change mitigation. Planting areas also.. Read More

Multi-modal Transportation Support
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Transportation Demand Management    
Nassau County’s Comprehensive Plan calls for all development proposals to be reviewed for compliance with goal to promote multi-modal transportation that is safe and efficient, meeting minimum acceptable levels of service for all roadway segments. Chief among reviewing criteria is the project’s contribution to public health. The County will be using the most recent version of the FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook definitions to determine levels of service for roadways. Additionally, to promote walking and biking, the County will incorporat.. Read More

Future Development promoting increased Air Quality
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Vulnerable Populations    
To help avoid urban sprawl and reduce automobile use, Nassau created and adopted the East Nassau Community Planning Area (ENCPA) for future land use. The county has certain goals for development within the ENCPA, including: facilitating multi-modal transportation and creating communities that discourage urban sprawl. The goals of development within the ENCPA directly promote public health through encouraging walking and biking, making sure they are safe by planning for them to exist in the future, and decreasing the amount of pollution created .. Read More