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Search Results for Town Of Hyde Park

Town of Hyde Park Water Resources Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Water Conservation, Watershed Protection, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
The Town of Hyde Park’s public policy is to preserve, protect, and conserve its water resources while simultaneously balancing the rights of individual property owners’ with the rights of the community. Unless otherwise exempted, the Hyde Park requires a permit for activities including, but not limited to, draining, dredging, septic tank installation, vegetation removal, or any activity that may pollute the Town’s water resources. The Planning Board takes a number of factors into consideration when approving, approving with conditions, or.. Read More

Town of Hyde Park Zoning Law Purposes Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Zoning, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
The purpose of § 108-4 of the Town Code for the Town of Hyde Park is to protect and promote public health, safety, comfort, convenience, economy, aesthetics, general welfare, along with the preservation of the natural, agricultural and cultural resources of the Town of Hyde Park, and to serve other enumerated purposes in this ordinance such as promoting the success of the Town’s comprehensive plan, and encouraging smart growth... Read More