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Search Results for Village Of Bronxville

Village of Bronxville Controlled Development District Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Site Plan Approval, Subdivision Regulations, Zoning    
New York
In order to facilitate planned and controlled development in accordance with the Village Comprehensive Plan, the Village of Bronxville establishes Controlled Development Districts too allow for possible development on a scale and with a flexibility that could not otherwise be achieved in the Village’s present zoning districts. The newly established districts recognize that some developments require specialized consideration and treatment by providing for the establishment of separate and distinct substantive standards for planned and controlled.. Read More

Village of Bronxville Planning Board Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Boards    
New York
The Village of Bronxville established a planning board to prepare a Village Comprehensive Plan and to review and either approve or disapprove of site plans and subdivisions. This law provides the terms, vacancies, compensation and disqualification of planning board members and gives specific powers to the planning board... Read More

Village of Bronxville Planning Board Rule of Reason
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Boards    
New York
The Village of Bronxville Planning Board and Design Review Committee is guided by a rule of reason when discharging its duties. Provisions the board follows are in accordance with legislative intent and are applied on the basis of reasonableness, consistency, practicability, fundamental fairness and interest of the applicant and Village... Read More

Village of Bronxville Site Design Standards Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Site Design Standards    
New York
The Village of Bronxville created site plan and approval standards for use by the Design Review Committee and the Planning Board in reviewing applications for development. These standards include regulations for: landscape and environment; relationship of structures and open space; circulation and parking; protection of neighbors; compliance with other laws and regulations; surface water drainage; and applications for accessory uses... Read More

Village of Bronxville Site Plan & Subdivision Approval Standards
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Site Design Standards, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Approvals, Watershed Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Bronxville, New York, requires any land being cleared or altered, any building or other structure being constructed, demolished, moved, externally altered or enlarged, any water course, floodplain or wetlands being diverted, dredged or filled, any use of land, building, or other structure being changed, any building or other use permit being issued, to receive the final approval of a site plan granted by the Planning Board. However, detached single-family residential buildings permitted as-of-right under the applicable zoning reg.. Read More