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Environmental Conservation Commission

New York
Village Of Ardsley   
Urban | Suburban |
The village of Ardsley, New York adopted an Environmental Conservation Commission to help preserve and improve the quality of the natural and man-made environments within the community. The commission advises the Village Board of Trustees on features and conditions of the village insofar as beauty, quality, biologic integrity and other environmental factors are concerned and, in the case of man's activities and developments with regard to any major threats posed to environmental quality, so as to enhance the long-range value of the environment to the people of the village.

The commission conducts studies, surveys, and inventories then provides an annual report concerning the Village’s environmental resources. They also maintain up-to-date inventories on all open spaces in public or private ownership within the municipality, including but not limited to natural landmarks, glacial and other geomorphic or physiographic features; unique biotic communities; scenic and other open areas of natural or ecological value; and of the ownership, present use and proposed use of such open areas, so as to provide a base of information for recommendations by the Commission for their preservation and/or use.