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City of New Britain: Principles For Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
This station area planning study provides an in-depth explanation of Transit Oriented Development (TOD), its role in municipal land use policy and its general principles. The study was developed for the City of New Britain to assess the existing conditions of the city’s Cedar and East Street Stations and provide design and development recommendations. The report contains detailed maps and visual representations of typical development and proposed development that can be used to assist communities in their own development planning... Read More
Transit Oriented Development Plan Linden Station Area Draft
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan for Linden Station Area contains the City’s vision for TOD, the strategies for how to achieve it, provides a framework to enhance the compact walkable community that is centered around the Station, and designates four districts to accomplish this, the Core District, the Wood Avenue District, the Elizabeth Avenue District and an Office Residential Character/Live-work District. This plan builds upon the South Wood Avenue Redevelopment Plan, Theater Redevelopment and development approvals to locate mid-r.. Read More
Transit-Oriented Development Opportunities in Somerset County, New Jersey
Date Added: Monday, July 20, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Somerset County Planning Board conducted the study on Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Opportunities as a part of the County’s Smart Growth planning initiatives to enhance and encourage transit use and pedestrian and bicycle activity. This study was created to assist local municipalities in effectively implementing TOD. Through a planning process that involved public and stakeholder participation, transit system analysis, physical site analysis, and an understanding of market conditions, five potential sites for TOD were chosen. Three sit.. Read More
Town of Orangetown Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Comprehensive Planning    
New York
The Comprehensive Plan outlines the current conditions in Orangetown, and describes what changes will take place under the new plan. Current land uses are discussed in relations to the roads that service them. Housing types and densities are given, and land use goals and objectives for different districts are described... Read More
Town of Dover Transit Oriented Development Plan
Date Added: Thursday, November 5, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
New Jersey
The Transit Oriented Development Plan (TOD) of the Town of Dover, New Jersey augments the existing land use patterns with new mixed-use residential and commercial development that are based on strong architectural form. It recommends form-based zoning changes, which will run concurrently to the Town’s Master Plan Process, that utilize historic planning and design practice while integrating recent market studies of the Town’s resources. The plan also focuses on pedestrian amenities through creating a strong streetscape program which creates a st.. Read More
State Street Corridor Transit Oriented Development Policy Guidelines
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
State: Not Applicable
Regional Planning Entity
This document is a comprehensive walk-through of a state plan for implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD). It contains policy guidelines for the first step in a twenty-year project to implement TOD in Idaho’s State Street Corridor and advises communities on site-specific as well as more general guidance in order to create a region-wide concerted and cooperative effort. Model language and detailed information on TOD policy guidelines provide communities with a model to follow in implementing TOD... Read More
Village of Mamaroneck TOD Zoning Study
Date Added: Thursday, October 29, 2015
Affordable Housing , Overlay District, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
New York
The Village of Mamaroneck was awarded a grant from the Tri-State Transportation Campaign (TSTC) and the One Region Funders’ Group to conduct a community-based Transit Oriented Development (TOD) zoning study that would result in a draft zoning ordinance for the area near the Mamaroneck Metro-North Railroad Station. Mamaroneck has access to public transit, through the Westchester County Bee-Line Bus and Metro North, as well as major transportation corridors including I-95 (New England Thruway), the Hutchinson River Parkway and U.S. Route 1 (B.. Read More
Montclair Township Unified Land Use + Circulation Element Draft
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Land Use Planning, Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Montclair Township has experienced several shifts identified through a demographic, transportation, and economic analysis that will impact future municipal policy, such as decreasing household sizes, stagnant wages, increased housing prices, more people using transit to travel to work or working from home, an increased amount of elderly residents, and a lack of availability of a diverse range of housing types. The plan uses Unified Land Use and Circulation approach which is largely unprecedented in traditional Master Planning. Through inter.. Read More
Build-Out Analysis Pittsgrove Township, Salem County
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Land Use Planning, Build-Out Analysis    
New Jersey
Pittsgrove Township completed its build-out analysis in August 2009 for the purpose of determining the capacity for new septic systems (and the homes they service) to be located within the township. To achieve this purpose, Pittsgrove not only examined the amount of development authorized by its zoning code like Fairfield Township, it also considered whether septic system yields affected the amount of development that was likely to occur in the community. Importantly, Pittsgrove looked at the fiscal implications that would result from full buil.. Read More
City of Tuscon Transit-Oriented Development Handbook Final Draft
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
This handbook outlines the City of Tucson’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) plan for the Tucson Streetcar Corridor. Its purpose is to guide planning and development around modern streetcar stops. Factors such as customer experience, land use, context sensitive design, pedestrian amenities, parking, and stop circulation and access are all addressed in relation to TOD along a streetcar corridor. A review of plans in peer communities is also provided to demonstrate successful implementation of TOD strategies... Read More
Kearny Transit-Oriented Development Vision Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Vision Plan of the Town of Kearny was developed by Regional Plan Association (RPA) to conduct a planning study of the area and a public visioning process for the Kearny Station area, near Bergen Avenue and the Harrison-Kingsland Branch Line, that was to be built as a part of New Jersey’s Access to the Region’s Core project. This report detailed the process of stakeholder meetings, a public community design workshop, and other public participation efforts RPA used to develop two consensus plans. The first o.. Read More
Township of Fairfield 2010 Build-Out Analysis
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Build-Out Analysis    
New Jersey
The 2010 Build-Out Analysis by Fairfield Township in Cumberland County, New Jersey examined the amount of development authorized by its zoning code. The final document was endorsed by the Fairfield Township Environmental Commission, and adopted by the Fairfield Township Land Use Board as an Amendment to the Master Plan. The methodology used by the Township in the Build-Out Analysis is set forth as well as the zoning standards and acreage for each district type. The document utilizes lists, charts, and maps to illustrate the data collected for t.. Read More
Transit oriented Development Design Guidelines
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Design Guidelines developed by the Florida Department of Transportation to provide a framework for TOD development in Urban Core, Urban General, Suburban, and Rural transects. The document contains a chart detailing the type of transportation methods that are feasible in the different transects as well as a chart for each transect that contains design guidelines for gross density indicators, intensity/density of use, parking, mixed use and diversity, and street network to be used by communities in developi.. Read More
Rio Grande Valley State Park Management Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New Mexico
This resolution outlines components of a management plan for a park along the Rio Grande River. It includes elements to protect the structural integrity of the river, the water quality, and the wildlife habitat along the river. It also includes an environmental monitoring component... Read More
FOCUS Kansas City
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
FOCUS Kansas City is a comprehensive twenty-five year plan. It is too large to be online, and can be purchased from the city. It has over 600 initiatives, and Kansas City has been working on and with the document since 1994. Phase II of the plan along with implementation strategies were adopted by the City Council in October of 1997. The plan has resulted in seven neighborhood FOCUS centers intended to house neighborhood projects and keep local projects close to home... Read More
County of Kent Comprehensive Plan Update
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Chapter 7 of Kent County’s Comprehensive Plan discusses various areas of importance and recommends general guidelines for protection of these areas. Included is discussions of the importance of the preservation of wetlands, beaches and shorelines, coastal areas, and stormwater managements, as well as information regarding more specific areas such as the Silver Lake Watershed. .. Read More
New York State General City Law: Chapter 21; Article 3 Official Maps and Planning Boards; § 28-a. City Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
New York
This law authorizes city governments in New York to develop comprehensive plans and to regulate land use for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety and general welfare of their citizens. The law identifies several items which these comprehensive plans should include: (a) General statements of goals, objectives, principles, policies, and standards upon which proposals for the immediate and long-range enhancement, growth and development of the city are based, (b) Consideration of regional needs and the official plans of other governm.. Read More
City of New York Executive Order 230 & Executive Order 233
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Flood Prevention, Floodplain Regulations, Floodwater Management, Post-Disaster Management    
New York
Following Executive Order 225 (extending the State of Emergency caused by Hurricane Sandy) and the release of FEMA’s new advisory base flood elevation maps for areas impacted by Sandy (containing the most up-to-date information on flood hazard zones and necessary buildings heights to prevent flood damage) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued Executive Order 230. Executive Order 230 suspends height limits and other restrictions for new construction and reconstruction in areas devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Additionally, as part of the re.. Read More
Town of Poughkeepsie Greenway Connections
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
New York
The New York State Hudson River Valley Greenway Act of 1991provides economic and technical assistance to communities within the Greenway area, the 13 counties that border the Hudson River and the 242 municipalities within them, who voluntarily adopt a regional planning compact. The Greenway Act also gives incentives to municipalities that join county Greenway compacts. The option to participate in a county compact preserves local decision-making authority. The Dutchess County Department of Planning and Development, in 2000, created “Greenwa.. Read More
Salem Area Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
Identified as a model for Oregon by the Land Conservation and Development Commission, Salem’s comprehensive plan identifies specific areas called public investment areas (PIAs) where improvements are focused. Their purpose is to coordinate and concentrate investments for urban services, such as sewer, water, drainage, streets, parks, and schools, to provide full-serviced land for development, and to reduce the amount of dispersed development. Salem’s focused public investment plan (FPIP) ensures that planned projects are timed so that services.. Read More
Miami-Dade County Resolution Declaring Sustainable Development Measures
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution #R-1200-05 in 2005. This resolution establishes the incorporation of sustainable development building measures into the design, construction, renovation and maintenance of County-owned, County-finances and County-operated buildings. .. Read More
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Renewable Energy Ordinance Framework Solar PV
Date Added: Monday, July 11, 2016
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Regional Planning Entity
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Alternative Energy Ordinance Working Group developed the DVRPC Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks to help municipalities adopt regulations for small-scale renewable energy systems. The ordinance frameworks “provide a menu of sample ordinance language options, both permissive and restrictive, to allow municipalities to build a customized ordinance that addresses their local issues.” The frameworks offer a range of development standards for municipalities to choose from, including requirements.. Read More
Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Penn Future’s Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Zoning Ordinance provides an example of solar energy systems defined based on type. The ordinance defines a “building-mounted system” as one “attached to any part or type of roof on a building or structure that has an occupancy permit… and that is either the principal structure or an accessory structure…” Additionally, the ordinance defines a “ground-mounted system” as one “mounted on a structure, pole or series of poles constructed specifically to support the photovoltaic system and .. Read More
Template Solar Energy Development Ordinance for North Carolina
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Solar Energy    
North Carolina
The Template Solar Energy Development Ordinance for North Carolina defines solar energy systems, in part, based on their physical size measured in acres. According to the state’s model ordinance, Level 1 Solar Energy Systems include those that are “ground-mounted on an area of up to 50 [percent] of the footprint of the primary structure on the parcel but no more than [one] acre,” and Level 2 Solar Energy Systems are ground-mounted systems with a footprint of less than or equal to a half acre in residential districts, less than or equal to 10 ac.. Read More
County of Beaufort Comprehensive Plan – Affordable Housing Policy
Date Added: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Affordable Housing , Comprehensive Planning    
South Carolina
The Comprehensive Plan of the County offers a complete summation on the need for affordable housing and the problems that accompany implementation. The plan contains several policies to facilitate an effective affordable housing program. The recommendations include: creating public/private/community consensus, the leveraging of resources and the encouragement of a variety of housing types. Policy Five suggests using high-density residential prototypes, expedited review and approval, and targeted financial incentives. .. Read More
City of Bainbridge Island Comprehensive Plan – Environmental Element
Date Added: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Coastal Protection, Comprehensive Planning, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The City of Bainbridge Island has explicitly addressed the potential for sea level rise in the Environmental Element of its comprehensive plan. Adopted in 2004, the plan recognizes that Bainbridge Island is potentially subject to flooding, erosion, landslides, seismic events, and soil subsistence. The overall goal of the Environmental element is to avoid adverse impacts where possible; to minimize, reduce or eliminate impacts over time; and to compensate for unavoidable impacts. The plan outlines protections for critical areas including tran.. Read More
Philadelphia Food Trust
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts    
In 2010, Philadelphia received $25 million from the Department of Health and Human Services to combat obesity and lower tobacco consumption through a variety of policy, systems, and environmental interventions. In response to studies which showed that Philadelphia’s population had significantly higher health risks than the rest of the country, as well as a low availability of healthy food options, money from this grant was directed into improved food programs. This funding included the creation of The Food Trust, a healthy corner store initiati.. Read More
Recreation Complexes for Families
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Parks & Recreation    
The Oneida Nation in Wisconsin created a Comprehensive Plan which outlines reservation-wide objectives to be met between 2005 and 2025. The “Parks and Recreation” chapter outlines three goals: provide the people of the Oneida Nation with a state of the art family fitness, adventure and recreation complex in Oneida; develop an interconnected reservation-wide trail system; and develop a “central Park” in central Oneida where families can come together to participate in healthy activities. In building a recreation complex within Oneida, the com.. Read More
Carbon Footprint Decrease
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Climate Change Planning    
New York
Nassau County’s development through the 20th century gave rise to sprawling suburban developments that necessitated the automobile and extensive roadway development. Nassau’s County’s 2010 Master Plan projected expected land use expansion over the next few decades based on current land use trends and population growth to discover an unsustainable trajectory. If this growth is dispersed throughout the county consistent with current land use trends, it is expected that traffic congestion, energy consumption and carbon emissions will continue to g.. Read More
Minneapolis Healthy Corner Store Program
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts    
The Minneapolis Health Department conducted studies which concluded that impoverished areas, and particularly communities of color, had less access to healthy produce within the City. These communities most often use corner stores for daily food purchases, and these stores rarely have fresh produce for sale. As a result, these communities often have disproportionate health risks. The Minneapolis Health Department teamed up with corner store owners to improve access to fresh produce and healthier foods. The program’s objectives are to (1) in.. Read More
Sustainable Development Checklist
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Climate Change Planning    
New York
Kingston’s Comprehensive Plan provides a sustainable development checklist that is to be used for applicants seeking City funding. Each applicant must fill out the checklist and achieve a minimum score to receive funding. The goal of the checklist procedure is to fund more sustainable projects that reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions, water consumption, waste generation, and stormwater runoff. An increase in the number of sustainable projects that create reduced CO2 emissions and waste generation will inherently benefit the public healt.. Read More
Philadelphia Complete Streets Design Handbook
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Handbook will help inform the City, design professionals, developers, and community groups that are involved in the planning and design of streets and changes to the public right-of-way in Philadelphia. The Handbook identifies 7 conceptual complete streets components that make up the public right-of-way: Pedestrian, Building & Furnishing, Bicycle, Curbside Management, Vehicle/Cartway, Urban Design, and Intersections & Crossings. This Handbook will promote more efficient project implementation by serving as a comprehensive resource to guide.. Read More
Local Food Supply: A Chapter of the Marquette County Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Local Food Production, Healthy Communities, Zoning, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
The County of Marquette added a chapter to its Comprehensive Plan entitled Local Food Supply as a way to expand the local economy through increased local food production and to enhance the health of residents through better access to affordable, healthy foods. Some of the policies enacted via this Local Food Supply Plan include amending the zoning code to allow for small scale agricultural uses in residential zones, establishing community gardens, developing educational opportunities to teach the importance of local food production, supporting .. Read More
Santa Fe County, New Mexico - Resolution No. 2013-49
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New Mexico
Santa Fe County, New Mexico adopted Resolution No. 2013-49 to support renewable energy projects on County facilities. Although not a comprehensive policy statement, the resolution’s whereas clauses present the County’s detailed rationale for this support. In particular, they acknowledge the County’s “tremendous solar power potential” and contain a comprehensive list of solar power benefits, including economic, environmental, health, and education benefits... Read More
City of Austin, Texas Resolution No. 20120426-081: Creation of Austin Local Solar Advisory Committee
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Local Boards, Solar Energy    
Austin adopted Resolution No. 20120426-081, creating the Austin Local Solar Advisory Committee, which included representatives from the solar industry, Chamber of Commerce, the environmental non-profit community, consumer advocate community, the Electric Utility Commission, and the Resource Management Commission. The Advisory Committee produced the Strategic Plan for Local Solar, providing recommendations for new policies, as well as amendments to the city’s zoning regulations, that will optimize Austin’s solar energy resource base... Read More
Envision Cortlandt – 2016 Sustainable Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Solar Energy    
New York
In 2014, the Town of Cortlandt established by resolution a Solar Task Force. This Task Force spent one year exploring the possibility of installing solar energy systems on Town buildings and determining ways that solar energy systems can be adopted by residents. In 2015, the Task Force presented twelve recommendations to the Town Board, all of which were received. By the end of that year, three of the Task Force’s recommendations had already been completed, including adopting the New York State Unified Solar Permit, joining the Sustainable West.. Read More
2017 Comprehensive Plan- Town of Reading, New York
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Land Use Planning, Solar Energy, Stormwater Management, Water Resource Protection, Wind Energy, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Traffic Calming & Safety, Parks & Recreation    
New York
Reading, New York’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan promotes the use of solar energy throughout the community. It calls for Reading to provide information about the feasibility of solar energy to residents and to collaborate with state and other organizations in programs that encourage growth in solar energy systems. The plan also calls for Reading to reform its land use regulations to specifically allow certain types of solar energy systems and to establish procedures for review and approval of both small-scale accessory systems and large-scale instal.. Read More
Updated Town and Village of Middleburgh Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Flood Prevention, Historic Preservation, Land Use Planning, Open Space Preservation, Solar Energy, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
The Town and Village of Middleburgh, New York’s 2015 Comprehensive Plan calls for commercial-scale solar farms to be allowed through a Special Use Permit and that standards be applied to this use that ensures consistency with the scenic, environmental, and agricultural needs of the community. According to the plan, modifications to the community’s zoning ordinance should be made to ensure that these farms do not create negative aesthetic impacts and or direct glare onto roads or neighboring properties. The Plan also calls for the Town’s zoning .. Read More
East New York Neighborhood Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Affordable Housing , Economic Development, Solar Energy    
New York
New York City’s East New York Neighborhood Plan was first released in 2016 and updated in 2017. The Plan’s 2017 update calls for a subset of the East New York community to be enrolled in the SolarizeNYC Program. This Program brings together local businesses and residents and connects them with the tools needed to install solar energy systems, including financial assistance, permitting guidance, and more. Per the 2017 update to the Plan, leaders in the neighborhood are to take the initiative on enrolling members of the community... Read More
Town of Huntington Climate Action Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency, Land Use Planning, Solar Energy, Stormwater Management, Transportation & Land Use Planning, Climate Change Planning    
New York
In 2015, the Town of Huntington, New York released its Climate Action Plan. The Plan calls for removing zoning hurdles that obstruct the development of solar energy systems on private property and to streamline the permitting process. It calls for the installation of solar PV capacity on every public facility that can reasonably support such systems. The Plan also notes that to achieve economies of scale, the Town should bid multiple installations together or use requirements contracts to promote cost efficiencies. The plan also directs the Tow.. Read More
Tucson Solar Integration Plan and Greater Tucson Solar Development Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Solar Energy    
Regional - Multiple Municipalities
Tucson, Arizona’s Solar Integration Plan and Greater Tucson Solar Development Plan lay the groundwork for accelerated development of solar energy facilities in and around Tucson, requiring the installation of a minimum amount of solar electric generation capacity by 2015. .. Read More
Solar Ann Arbor
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Solar Energy    
Ann Arbor, Michigan adopted Solar Ann Arbor, a functional plan that includes an energy profile for the City and recommends creating municipal solar financial incentives streamlining the solar permitting process, integrating solar energy systems into municipal infrastructure and culture, adopting solar access laws and robust building energy codes, creating a solar outreach campaign, and supporting solar workforce development and green jobs... Read More
Air Quality Liability
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Vulnerable Populations    
New York
Buffalo holds not only violators of the ordinances responsible and liable for infringements, but they also hold owners, proprietors, lessors, agents, tenants, managers, superintendents, captains, etc. responsible and liable for any unlawful emission... Read More
Future Development promoting increased Air Quality
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Vulnerable Populations    
To help avoid urban sprawl and reduce automobile use, Nassau created and adopted the East Nassau Community Planning Area (ENCPA) for future land use. The county has certain goals for development within the ENCPA, including: facilitating multi-modal transportation and creating communities that discourage urban sprawl. The goals of development within the ENCPA directly promote public health through encouraging walking and biking, making sure they are safe by planning for them to exist in the future, and decreasing the amount of pollution created .. Read More
Clean Air for Future Generations
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Vulnerable Populations    
Chapter 13 of Ramsey, Minnesota’s Comprehensive Plan sets a clear strategy of preserving existing tree canopy and promoting planting more trees in new developments to increase the air quality of the community for future generations. They further set a policy of finding opportunities to plant additional trees along Highway 10 and other major roadways... Read More
Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Economic Development, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Healthy Communities    
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv.. Read More
City of Kingston Complete Streets Policy Framework
Date Added: Thursday, June 21, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
New York
The City of Kingston Complete Streets Policy Frameworks, adopted 11/9/2010, details Kingston’s Complete Streets policies. This policy reflects that the City of Kingston encourages walking, bicycling, and public transit for transportation, health, fitness, and recreation. This document also identifies that the City has a goal to develop a Complete Streets program, initiated by a Complete Streets Advisory Council, which is established by this document. The intent of this policy is to recognize pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and people w.. Read More
Better Housing By Design
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Zoning, Density    
Portland, Oregon created a report titled “Better Housing By Design” to create plans to promote affordable and diverse housing. The report is a compilation of Portland’s recent zoning code amendments. Portland implemented code changes to address housing affordability and diversity, expand outdoor spaces and green design, building design and scale requirements, and more. Housing affordability and density changes were implemented in multi-family residential zones outside of the city core in order to expand options, diversity, and walkability. The .. Read More
Skagway Comprehensive Plan 2030
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Zoning, Density    
Skagway, Alaska has included multiple affordable housing goals in its 2030 Comprehensive Plan. A town of just over 1,000, Skagway is encouraging residential development to accommodate anticipated population growth. The town owns 8,850 acres of land in its borders and has created a residential land disposal program to sell publicly owned land for residential development. Target residential development categories include senior housing, affordable housing, housing for full time workers and residents, and housing for those earning 120% AMI .. Read More
Town of Davidson, NC HIA in Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Healthy Communities, Health Impact Assessments    
North Carolina
The Town of Davidson, North Carolina did a Health Impact Assessment to determine the progress they have made from their previous comprehensive plan and determine what must be included in the town’s new comprehensive plan to further the goals of the community. The goal was to collect data on the town’s current position and develop a myriad of suggestions to promote healthy programs, policies, and infrastructure. The HIA was funded by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy Community Design Initiative and was a key resource for Da.. Read More
The City of Chicago Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Policy Plan
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Equity    
This document begins by stating how Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) has unfolded in Chicago in inequitable ways, often indicating displacement patterns. In response, this document provides three Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD) policy recommendations. First, Chicago needs to build the city’s capacity to support eTOD. This includes formalizing cross-agency coordination, creating formal accountability, developing a comprehensive eTOD calculator mapping tool, and engaging communities. Second, this document suggests making eTOD requ.. Read More
King County Ordinance 16948 and the Determinants of Equity
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Regional - Multiple Municipalities
Ordinance 16948 is King County’s Equity and Social Justice ordinance. It supplies definitions related to equity and equitable development. It calls for the development of analytical tools to identify equitable policies. Overall, the ordinance tries to integrate equity principles in all systems of its governance. This ordinance also identifies 14 “determinants of equity.” These determinants were the basis of a separate report called “The Determinants of Equity Report.” This report is part of an initial effort at determining if the county is a.. Read More
Phoenix's Transit Oriented Development Strategic Policy Framework
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Complete Streets, Equity    
This document describes the opportunity for transit-oriented development (TOD) for Phoenix. Specifically, it calls for a by-right zoning codes to create shorter and more predictable construction timelines. Form-based standards are promoted. Specifically, the document suggests increasing the permitted height of buildings within a quarter-mile radius of light rail stations and creating a minimum of 30 percent of housing units dedicated to long-term affordability in TOD zones. The update to this document also includes a portion on equity... Read More
Hackensack Transit Oriented Development
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Hackensack, New Jersey Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Report focuses on the process of a community-based vision to bring TOD to the areas surrounding the city’s two NJ TRANSIT rail station and its bus terminal, as well as the recommendations that resulted from the process. The development plan builds upon assets already present in Hackensack, such as its dense and diverse population, it being the seat of county government and that there is a growing health care sector centered on Hackensack University Medical Center. The report is a com.. Read More
Land Use Law Center Economic Development Policy Statement
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Economic Development    
New York
This draft document is to assist the cities and villages participating in the Mayors’ Redevelopment Roundtable regarding the initiation of a strategic sustainable economic development planning effort. This resolution identifies the objectives of the economic development policies to be considered by Roundtable communities and outlines the process to be followed at the local level. Its purposes are to set the stage for each community to create and adopt an economic development policy as a supplement to its comprehensive plan and, by acting in co.. Read More
County of Washington Environmental Protection, Erosion Prevention, and Sediment Control Rules
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management, Watershed Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Clean Water Services of Washington County is a public utility who utilize this Resolution to protect the water resources of the Tualatin River Watershed. This comprehensive standard has design specifications for construction, stormwater, erosion control, etc. It has a no visibility requirement for erosion off-site. All erosion and sediment control requirements apply to all activities and uses within the CWS service area, not just construction and development. Permitted activities require an ESC plan that is utilized during all phases of con.. Read More
State of Florida State Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Incentive Zoning, Smart Growth, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
Below is the State of Florida’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan provides an example of a state legislature’s attempt to guide its constituent regions and municipalities in their respective efforts towards planning and development. Elements of the Priority Growth District concept are present in this plan... Read More
State of North Carolina Zoning Enabling Act
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
North Carolina
Grant of power Section 153A-340 permits, but does not require, counties to pass zoning ordinances for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, or the general welfare of the community. These ordinances may regulate and restrict the size, location, and use of buildings and other structures; the percentage of lots that may be occupied; the size of yards and other open spaces; and population density. This section also allows counties to provide density credits or severable development rights pursuant to § 136-66.10 or § 136-66.11, and to.. Read More
Alachua County’s Access to Healthful, Affordable, and Nutritious Food Initiatives
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
Alachua’s Comprehensive Plan promotes equal access to healthful, affordable, and nutritious food through a community garden and agriculture programs offered by the USDA Farm to School Programs. Programs promoting gardening, healthy food access, and nutrition improvement are targeted at low-income households and populations at high-risk for health disparity. The County is simultaneously discouraging sale of less healthy foods in government facilities. Additionally, the County plans to partner with local organizations and develop standards to .. Read More
Avoiding Accumulation of Standing Water and Mosquitoes
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Infectious Disease Control    
To avoid accumulation of standing water, Brevard County is planning for public facilities to be located outside of floodplains or wetlands. One of the goals of this policy is to avoid water damage of those facilities due to flooding, but the policy was also implemented to control the mosquito population in public facilities. Avoiding the accumulation of both standing water and mosquitoes in public facilities will help to reduce the spread of infectious diseases within the County... Read More
Planning for Active Transportation - Bicycles and Pedestrians
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets    
New York
A particular element of Buffalo, New York’s Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to redesign and repurpose their transportation network. Their goal is to promote transportation policies and projects that will help create an economically and environmentally healthy region, reverse current negative economic, land use, social and demographic trends, foster growth in areas with existing infrastructure, and promote equitable services for all residents. In the first four years of the program, there are over 40 projects aimed at upgrading existing infrastru.. Read More
Policies Encouraging Farmers Markets
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Farmers Markets    
New York
Ithaca, New York a diverse and flourishing local food community with a deep and enduring interest in organic foods, sustainable local agriculture, cooperative food markets, community gardens, agricultural education, and a more equitable local food system. Despite this solid foundation, Ithaca has noticed that there is more work to be done. Primarily, this food needs to be made accessible and affordable to all members of the population. Ithaca’s Comprehensive Plan established a goal to locally integrate the production, processing, and distrib.. Read More
Resource Protection and Open Space
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Low Impact Development & Green Infrastructure    
New York
Marlborough is increasingly concerned about the quality of their water (most of the drinking water is supplied by private wells). To combat this, their comprehensive plan suggests maintaining and increasing the amount of vegetation adjacent to streams, revising regulations when necessary to allow the planning board to require information regarding water quality of proposed on-site wells, and better locating septic tanks to avoid as much concentration of nitrate in the drinking water as possible. These policies will help to maintain the quali.. Read More
Multi-modal Transportation Support
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Transportation Demand Management    
Nassau County’s Comprehensive Plan calls for all development proposals to be reviewed for compliance with goal to promote multi-modal transportation that is safe and efficient, meeting minimum acceptable levels of service for all roadway segments. Chief among reviewing criteria is the project’s contribution to public health. The County will be using the most recent version of the FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook definitions to determine levels of service for roadways. Additionally, to promote walking and biking, the County will incorporat.. Read More
Double Curbs for Complete Streets
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Complete Streets    
New York
Included in Nassau’s 2010 Master Plan is an initiative to improve the aesthetic and environmental performance of their downtown area through the repurposing of medians. Landscaping medians along arterial roadways and in use as parking lot buffers can improve the physical appearance and the environmental performance of a city. Trees in parking areas can provide shade and reduce heat generated by large areas of asphalt. This is a simple measure to combat the larger issues of heat island effect and climate change mitigation. Planting areas also.. Read More
Replacing Paving with Trees
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Low Impact Development & Green Infrastructure    
New York
Nassau County suggests planting medium height plants and trees on paved medians. Nassau goes further by promoting the use of double curbs to improve the aesthetics and allow rain to percolate into the ground, reducing runoff and improving water quality. These low impact development and green infrastructure policies will reduce sotrmwater runoff and improve water quality... Read More
Programs for Brownfield Remediation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
New York
The City of Newburgh, New York hosts a range of brownfield sites due to its industrial legacy. Newburgh currently has identified eight municipally owned brownfields, and there is potential for others existing on both private and public lands throughout the city. The perceived or actual risks of remediation can have far-reaching and negative side effects; brownfields have been shown to deter future growth, increase urban sprawl, lower the economic value of surrounding communities, and pose a threat to the health of local communities. Fortunately.. Read More
Reduce Dependency on Automobiles by Promoting Walking and Bicycling
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Healthy Communities, Bicycle Infrastructure    
New York
Niagara County, New York’s Public Health and Safety Chapter of their Comprehensive Plan outlines their goal to create safe, healthy, and walkable communities. They recognize health and safety of communities as one of the most important but overlooked aspects of a high quality of life. It stimulates the local economy and increases the variance and character of a community. One objective to accomplish this goal is to reduce the community’s dependency on automotive transportation by increasing the network of pedestrian and bicycle trails. To op.. Read More
Promoting Bicycling through Improved Infrastructure
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Bicycle Infrastructure    
Omaha, Nevada’s Master Plan includes a Transportation Element which outlines a future bicycle network through Omaha. The purpose of the network is to provide a bicycle facility (bike-oriented path) to all mixed-use centers in Omaha. The facilities were chosen based on traffic volume of the proposed route, distance between centers, and topography of the area. These facilities allow for safe passage and recreational activity. Bicycle facilities have three classifications: trails, paths, and routes. Bicycle trails give people a facility exclus.. Read More
Traffic Signals and Narrower Lanes to Improve Safety
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
New York
Ossining, New York’s Comprehensive Plan includes traffic-calming measures to be implemented throughout the village, though particularly on Route 9. Route 9 is the primary north-south arterial reaching through Ossining and onto major highways in New York. Route 9’s increasingly congested condition has resulted in residential road use throughout the village. These residential roads are narrow, steep, and winding, and often dangerous during inclement weather. Ossining’s goal is to improve pedestrian safety and comfort, and to change the behavior o.. Read More
Increasing Available Housing through Infill Development
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Affordable Housing , Brownfields    
Sacramento’s 2035 General Plan sets a goal of ensuring that the production of housing will meet future needs. To meet this goal the General Plan establishes policies that require the promotion of quality infill development specifically focused on the creation of affordable units. The City plans to offset the costs of developing affordable housing through deferred fees and financial incentives including water development fee waivers and sewer credits. Not only will this help to eliminate brown zones in the city, but the increase in affordable.. Read More
Traffic Safety Policy
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
The goal of San Diego, California’s “Mobility Element” plan is to develop a multi-modal transportation network that gets citizens where they want to go while minimizing environmental and neighborhood impacts. Among the goals of this policy, San Diego aimed to increase general traffic safety of pedestrians. The city collaborated with community groups and interested private and public parties to design and implement safe pedestrian routes to schools, transit centers, and other highly frequented destinations. After locating these priority areas.. Read More
Enhanced Public Rights of Way and Pedestrian-Oriented Features
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
The Mobility Element section of San Diego’s Comprehensive Plan makes facilitating walking and biking as viable forms of transportation a priority for the city. The plan calls for the creation of mixed-use neighborhoods connected by public transportation; building residences closer to parks, schools, shopping, employment and transit; and a safe and accessible walking environment created by designing streets to increase pedestrian safety. To accomplish this, San Diego plans to—among other things—enhance public rights of way, design site plans .. Read More
Establishing Urban Farming and Community Gardens
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
Broadview, Bitter Lake, and Haller Lake (BBH) is a collaboration of neighborhoods in the city of Seattle who help to provide vision and planning procedures for community growth. One of these visions is greater access to local and healthy foods. Healthy food access has been shown to increase the health of the population, stimulate the local economy, and provide a better sense of community. In 2012, the BBH Neighborhood Plan Update included a short article on community-member interest in local and healthy food access. With the use of community re.. Read More
Soil Contamination Strategies
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
New York
Syracuse, New York created a Comprehensive Plan with a singular focus on sustainability. One of the objectives within their efforts to increase sustainability is the remediation of brownfields. The remediation of brownfields can improve environmental conditions, public health, and the local economy. Syracuse has partnered with several government agencies, including the New York DEC and the U.S. E.P.A, to design brownfield remediation plans. These plans work to evaluate, inventory, and plan for the redevelopment of brownfield areas. Syracus.. Read More
Recreation Marketing
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets, Bicycle Infrastructure    
The city of Baltimore has implemented a Bicycle Master Plan. The plan sets out the vision of making significant improvements in providing access to safe and user-friendly bicycling facilities over the course of 15 years. From 2005-2015, with dedicated funding, more than 100 miles of bicycle facilities have been installed in the city already. There is a full-time Bike Planner on staff at Baltimore’s Department of Transportation; but improvements are still necessary. The Bicycle Master Plan proposes to increase bicycle infrastructure and bette.. Read More
Transforming Vacant Properties
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Open Space Preservation, Healthy Communities    
Baltimore has a vacant property reclamation project termed “Project 5000.” The purpose of the project is to purchase vacant properties in “competitive, emerging, and stable” neighborhoods, but the most recent Master Plan calls for an extension of this project to “transitional and distressed” areas. Further, the plan calls for offering interest groups the chance to convert or purchase the vacant lots for conversion into community gardens, among other uses. In combination with Project 5000, the Master Plan calls for support of a Community Gard.. Read More
Infrastructure Upgrades and Multi-Modal Transportation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets    
New York
A particular element of Buffalo, New York’s Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to redesign and repurpose their transportation network. Their goal is to promote transportation policies and projects that will help create an economically and environmentally healthy region, reverse current negative economic, land use, social and demographic trends, foster growth in areas with existing infrastructure, and promote equitable services for all residents. In the first four years of the program, there are over 40 projects aimed at upgrading existing infrastru.. Read More
Promoting Public Transportation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Smart Growth    
New York
As part of their plan to overhaul their transportation network, Buffalo plans to use mixed-use corridor development and other land use policies that complement and promote the use of public transit options, reducing dependency on individual automobiles and parking. This plan works well with their established public transit options which they can build and improve upon to complement the mixed-use development in a symbiotic fashion. One of their biggest projects in their 2030 plans is implementation of high quality public transit between downtown.. Read More
Environmental Conservation Commission
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Open Space Preservation    
New York
The village of Ardsley, New York adopted an Environmental Conservation Commission to help preserve and improve the quality of the natural and man-made environments within the community. The commission advises the Village Board of Trustees on features and conditions of the village insofar as beauty, quality, biologic integrity and other environmental factors are concerned and, in the case of man's activities and developments with regard to any major threats posed to environmental quality, so as to enhance the long-range value of the environment .. Read More
Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Bicycle Infrastructure    
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv.. Read More
Multi-Family Dwelling District
Date Added: Sunday, June 3, 2018
Transportation Efficient Development, Healthy Communities    
New York
The City of Beacon plans to create a new community center for youth and seniors in or next to the central business district. The City encourages the police department to be involved in the planning and implementation of some of the youth planning through community policing. The goal is to create new opportunities for community development and for the youth and seniors to partake in activities to lead active and healthy lifestyles. The program also helps form a positive image of police officers in the community, which helps create stronger relat.. Read More
Recreation Marketing
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Parks & Recreation, Equity    
New York
Chenango County has set goals relating to the health of their community as well as increasing the use of their outdoor recreation facilities. To ensure the health of all their residents, the county will assess the health needs of all residents. The data collected from the assessment will be used to support existing programs and identify gaps in service that can be filled. The county also plans to heavily market their outdoor recreation opportunities to encourage the use by all residents with a specific focus on targeting the youth group. Hop.. Read More
Energize NY
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Climate Change Planning    
New York
It is the policy of both the Town of Yorktown and the State of New York to achieve better energy efficiency and renewable energy goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the effect of global climate change, and advance a clean energy economy. Yorktown has partnered with the Energy Improvement Corporation, a local development corporation, to make funds available to qualified property owners who meet the energy efficiency qualifications. Potentially qualified residents can apply for funding through the EIC, who run energy audits to t.. Read More
Energy Efficient Technology and Renewable Energy
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Smart Growth, Climate Change Planning    
San Jose, California has made it a priority to combat climate change through energy efficient technology and renewable energy use. In their General Plan, Envision 2040, they enumerate a series of actions and goals to achieve this end. They plan to measure and report annually the shares of the City’s total Carbon Footprint resulting from energy use in the built environment, transportation, and waste management. By partnering with public, private, and non-profit agencies, they plan to develop policies that require existing residents and bu.. Read More
City of Villages
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Transportation Efficient Development, Healthy Communities, Climate Change Planning    
San Diego’s Land Use and Community Planning Element includes a series of goals which effectuate the amelioration of climate change through the mitigation of greenhouse emissions. One of these efforts is creating a “City of Villages,” which is the goal to develop mixed-use activity centers within villages. This concentration of activity offers better access to pedestrian-friendly travel options, including walking, biking, and public transit. This will enable large numbers of people to make fewer and shorter auto trips, a large component of San D.. Read More
Park Development in Industrial Zones
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Parks & Recreation, Equity    
Part of Portland’s economic development goals include ensuring that parks, trails, natural areas, and a healthy environment continue to protect the city’s quality of life and attract businesses and the workforce alike. Accordingly, Portland set forth a policy of allowing park development within industrial zones to guarantee adequate park service within one-half mile of every resident. This policy will make green infrastructure conveniently accessible to all residents of Portland. Additionally, the added green spaces will aid the city in the .. Read More
Vacant Building Maintenance Licensing Program
Date Added: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Vacant & Distressed Properties, Displacement    
Cincinnati, Ohio enacted the Vacant Building Maintenance Licensing Program that utilizes code enforcement and registration strategies. Cincinnati’s program requires vacant-building owners who do not have a satisfactory development plan and proof of financing to apply for a vacant building license .. Read More
Seattle 2035: Growth and Equity Analysis
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Equity, Displacement    
Seattle’s Growth and Equity Analysis, is a companion document to Seattle’s Environmental Impact Statement that evaluates four alternative ways for distributing growth throughout the city. The Growth and Equity Analysis created two data indexes – the Displacement Risk Index and the Access to Opportunity Index. Each index is made up of a list of indicators. The document maps Seattle based on these indexes and data, evaluating the four growth alternatives with a social justice and equity lens. Maps of each indicator are included... Read More
Providence's Anti-Displacement and Comprehensive Housing Strategy
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Affordable Housing , Land Use Planning, Equity, Displacement    
Rhode Island
Providence, Rhode Island’s Anti-Displacement and Comprehensive Housing Strategy creates a plan to increase the amount of affordable housing in the city and reduce the risk of displacement. This strategy also connected housing insecurity and displacement with COVID-19 and racial inequality. This strategy also includes land use strategies that can be used to create more affordable housing, preserve the current affordable housing stock, and keep people in their communities... Read More