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State of North Carolina Landmark Preservation Ordinances

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Under the enabling statutes found at Part 3C, Article 19 in Chapter 160A, both cities and counties (“municipalities”) have the authority to designate landmarks as part of a zoning or other ordinance. § 160A-400.2, § 160A-400.5. Before a municipality can establish a landmark, it must appoint a historic preservation commission § 160A-400.7. To designate a landmark, this commission must undertake an inventory of the properties of historic, architectural, prehistorical, and cultural significance within the municipality’s jurisdiction. § 160A-400.6. The commission must investigate and make a report on the significance of each structure or site proposed for designation as a landmark, and submit the report to the Office of Archives and History for comments and recommendation by the State Historical Preservation Officer. § 160A-400.6(2), (3). After receiving any comments, the governing board must hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance; and then may adopt, amend, or reject it. § 160A-400.6(4),(5).