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Search Results for Topic : Landmark Preservation

State of North Carolina Landmark Preservation Ordinances
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Landmark Preservation, State Land Use Law    
North Carolina
Under the enabling statutes found at Part 3C, Article 19 in Chapter 160A, both cities and counties (“municipalities”) have the authority to designate landmarks as part of a zoning or other ordinance. § 160A-400.2, § 160A-400.5. Before a municipality can establish a landmark, it must appoint a historic preservation commission § 160A-400.7. To designate a landmark, this commission must undertake an inventory of the properties of historic, architectural, prehistorical, and cultural significance within the municipality’s jurisdiction. § 160A-400.6... Read More
State of Illinois Historic District & Landmark Preservation – Municipal Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Historic District Preservation, Landmark Preservation, State Land Use Law, Landmarks & Historical Districts    
Corporate municipal authorities are afforded broad authority to identify and create subsidiary boards, as needed, to preserve scenic and historic resources, including natural and manmade buildings, landmarks, and landscapes. Municipal authorities are charged to prevent the “disappearance [of] areas, places, buildings, structures, works of art and other objects having special historical, community, or aesthetic interest or value.” Municipal authorities may establish economic incentives and other agreements to encourage the acquisition, donation.. Read More