The Local Land Resource Management Planning Act, 50 ILL. COMP. STAT. 805 et seq. (2004), authorizes and outlines the general principle that counties, municipalities, and townships may engage in land resource management programs. Beyond concerns associated with traditional zoning and comprehensive planning, the Act acknowledges local government interests in protecting the “land, air, water, natural resources, and environment of the State,” and encourages “socially and economically desirable” land use and planning via “Local Land Resource Management Plans.” While the Act does not mention smart growth by name, many enumerated principles embody progressive community planning tools, including: “Archaeological, Cultural, and Historic Places;” “Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards;” “Economy of the Area;” “Energy Conservation;” “Housing;” “Open Spaces;” “Recreational Spaces;” “Transportation;” and “Citizen Involvement.” Local governmental units may enter joint or compatible planning agreements, and are eligible for state planning grants after complying with enumerated implementation requirements.