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Search Results for Topic : Natural Resource Protection & Conservation

2017 Comprehensive Plan- Town of Reading, New York
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Land Use Planning, Solar Energy, Stormwater Management, Water Resource Protection, Wind Energy, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Traffic Calming & Safety, Parks & Recreation    
New York
Reading, New York’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan promotes the use of solar energy throughout the community. It calls for Reading to provide information about the feasibility of solar energy to residents and to collaborate with state and other organizations in programs that encourage growth in solar energy systems. The plan also calls for Reading to reform its land use regulations to specifically allow certain types of solar energy systems and to establish procedures for review and approval of both small-scale accessory systems and large-scale instal.. Read More
Sustainable Westchester
Date Added: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Intermunicipal Agreements, Recycling, Solar Energy, Water Resource Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Complete Streets    
New York
Regional - Multiple Municipalities
Sustainable Westchester is a consortium of Westchester County local governments that facilitates effective sustainability initiatives; engages community stakeholders; and shares tools, resources, and incentives to create healthier and more vibrant and attractive communities. Sustainable Westchester is a merger of the successful and popular Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (NWEAC) and Southern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (SWEAC)... Read More
North Salem (NY), Chapter 250, Article XIII Conditional Use and Special Permit Standards, Section 250-66
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Land Use Planning, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Town of North Salem enacted this section to prescribe certain requirements for public utilities. The use for the public utility must be necessary from the public standpoint. The installations shall be covered with landscaping, paintings, or fencing so that the area remains harmonious with the landscape... Read More
The City of Utica Uses and/or Structures Rendered Nonconforming Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Land Use Planning, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The City of Utica described the zoning procedures in place if any use or structure became nonconforming within the Land Conservation District. Even if the structure conforms in its district, it will be considered a nonconforming use or structure in the Land Conservation District. Existing nonconforming uses and/or structures shall not be expanded. Substantial improvements of nonconforming uses shall not be allowed, irrespective of the need for the improvements. Nonconforming structures within the one-hundred-year flood plain will be required to.. Read More
Town of Mendon Ridgeline Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This is a very brief law that regulates developments to only ski area uses and requires aesthetic compatibility... Read More
County of Teton Natural, Scenic, Agricultural, and Tourism Resources Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Development Standards, Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ridgeline ordinance prohibits any ridgeline development from "skylining" meaning that no sky can be seen behind the structure as seen from specified public roads... Read More
New York State Town – Transfer of Development Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Historic Preservation, Open Space Preservation, Scenic Resources, State Land Use Law, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law gives town boards in New York State the authority to provide for transfer of development rights. The purpose of providing for transfer of development rights is to protect the natural, scenic or agricultural qualities of open lands, to enhance sites and areas of special character or special historical, cultural, aesthetic or economic interest or value and to enable and encourage flexibility of design and careful management of land in recognition of land as a basic and valuable natural resource. .. Read More
New York State Constitution Article on Conservation
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
State Land Use Law, Tree Preservation & Protection, Transportation & Land Use Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
New York
The New York Constitution, Article 14, establishes that it is a function of the state government to provide for the protection of forested lands, but provides exceptions for the development of certain highways. This provision also designates provisions whereby these lands may be used on a limited scale for construction and maintenance of reservoirs and establishes how violations of this provision shall be handled... Read More
State of New York Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve Act
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Local Boards, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law creates the Long Island Pine Barren Maritime Reserve in Suffolk County, New York, in order to protect and preserve this area’s natural resources and scenic beauty. The law also sets forth the following: duties of the Long Island Pine Barrens maritime reserve council, a comprehensive management plan for the area, the duties of the Central Pine Barrens joint planning and policy commission, and a comprehensive land use plan for the area. .. Read More
State of New York Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Purchase of Development Rights, Scenic Resources, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
This law authorizes cities within New York State to transfer development rights with respect to parcels of land under zoning ordinances or local laws, and also governs the transfer of development rights between sending and receiving districts... Read More
State of New York Freshwater Wetlands Regulations
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Recreational Uses, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Article 24-Title 7 of New York State Consolidated Laws promulgates the sustained and safe use of Freshwater and Wetlands in the Town. Under the law, any person that wishes to engage in any of the enumerated activities including: draining, dredging, dumping, filling, in wetland areas as designated by the official map, shall seek a permit which will either be granted or denied depending on the outcome of the local government or the commissioner’s consideration of the effect of the proposed activity with reference to the public health and welfare,.. Read More
Town of North Salem Freshwater Wetlands Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Scenic Resources, Stormwater Management, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law states the Town Board’s rationale for protecting wetlands within the Town of North Castle, NY. Some of the stated reasons include: the import role the wetlands have in cleaning the water supply, their function as a habitat for plant, fish and wildlife species, their role in absorbing stormwater, and their importance as a scenic resource. .. Read More
Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New Jersey
The transfer of development rights program allows for the shifting of development pressure from agricultural, environmentally sensitive, or open space areas of the township to villages designated for limited growth. The program allows the township to maintain its rural character while encouraging planned development. Land is preserved by transferring development rights from “sending areas” in rural parts of the township to three existing villages and one new village that have been designated as “receiving areas” within community development b.. Read More
Town of Newtown Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Agriculture, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
The town of Newtown created a conservation and agriculture zone, which, in part, is focused on the retention of agriculture as a beneficial industry within the town. No land or structure within the zone may be altered except for the purposes of natural resource conservation or farming... Read More
Town of New Paltz Steep Slope Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Flood Prevention, Scenic Resources, Steep Slope Protection, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law is designed to protect the physical and aesthetic integrity of steep sloping topographic features in the Town of New Paltz. To this end, the law places restrictions on the construction methods used by builders in sensitive areas, and creates a permit process one must go through to get approval to build. .. Read More
Town of North Castle Wetlands Purpose Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Adult Entertainment, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Scenic Resources, Stormwater Management, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law states the Town Board’s rationale for protecting wetlands within the Town of North Castle, NY. Some of the stated reasons include: the import role the wetlands have in cleaning the water supply, their function as a habitat for plant, fish and wildlife species, their role in absorbing stormwater, and their importance as a scenic resource. .. Read More
New York State Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Act
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, State Land Use Law, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The statute calls for the identification and mapping of coastal erosion hazard areas within the state by the commissioner of the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and for local governments to formulate an erosion hazard area ordinance or local law, to be reviewed by the commissioner. The commissioner also adopts regulations establishing minimum standards for development in erosion hazard areas. Any person wishing to undertake development in an erosion hazard area must obtain a permit from the DEC... Read More
State of North Carolina Scenic Resource Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Scenic Resources, State Land Use Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
North Carolina
At § 160A-402, the North Carolina General Assembly declares that “the rapid growth and spread of urban development in the state” is threatening many open spaces and areas that have significant “scenic or esthetic values,” and that cities and counties should have the authority to spend public funds to acquire property interests in such open spaces and areas to protect them. Open spaces and open areas are defined at § 160A-407(a) as “any space or area (i) characterized by great natural scenic beauty or (ii) whose existing openness, natural condit.. Read More
Town of Mount Pleasant Stormwater Management & Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law is designed to mitigate the effects of stormwater runoff, by establishing minimum stormwater management requirements and controls. The Town Board is empowered to create this law and regulate on this subject matter, in order to protect the general health, safety and well-being of its citizens, as provided by the Municipal Home Rule Law of New York... Read More
Land Use Law Center’s Model Critical Environmental Area Overlay District
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Overlay District, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The following is a model law that can be used by municipalities to protect wildlife habitat and other critical environmental areas. .. Read More
City of Mansfield Natural Resources Management Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Landscaping, Tree Preservation & Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance establishes criteria and regulations for the preservation of trees within the City. The purpose of this ordinance is to promote site planning which furthers the preservation of mature trees and natural areas, to protect trees during construction; to facilitate site design and construction, which contribute to the long term viability of existing trees. This ordinance also requires that persons must obtain a tree removal permit before cutting down, destroying, or removing any protected tree as defined by the ordinance. .. Read More
Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Areas Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Recreational Uses, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Local Law No. 3-1966 of the Town of Mamaroneck details what types of places or areas within the Town amount to conservation areas. The several parts of § 77 explain what special regulations apply to such areas; § 77-17 sets out the penalty for noncompliance with the rules governing Conservation Areas in Mamaroneck... Read More
Town of Malta Environmental Board Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Local Boards, Local Environmental Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The legislature’s intent in drafting Chapter 8 of the Town Code for the Town of Malta is to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and man-made environment within the Town. This has become more challenging in the face of population growth, urbanization, and technological change and its effect on the environment all of which impact the health, welfare and economic well-being of present and future inhabitants of the Town. Chapter 8 creates an Environmental Board which is charged with seeing that these goals are pursued. .. Read More
State of Massachusetts Forest Cutting Practices & Timber Harvesting Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Forest Management, Timber Harvesting, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The regulation of forest cutting practices appears to rest solely with the state of Massachusetts. Regulations and licensing are found under Chapter one hundred and thirty-two of the General Laws of Massachusetts. MASS. GEN. Laws. ch. 132 (2004). The state declares its intention to protect forest lands in section forty of this chapter. Other helpful statutes defining terms and objectives are included below... Read More
State of Massachusetts Constitutional Rights & Objectives – Natural Resource Protection
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This article declares the broad purpose and intent of the State to protect the state’s environment, including protection of wildlife, natural resources relating to air, land water, and recreational land uses. .. Read More
State of Massachusetts Conservation Commissions Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Floodplain Regulations, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
This statute grants conservation commissions regulatory authority over the use of flood plains. The statute authorizes a city or town to establish a conservation commission for the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the city or town. Such commission may adopt rules and regulations governing the use of land and waters under its control to achieve its purpose. Its authorities include the study of land and water and subsequent creation of plans and maps consistent with the town ma.. Read More
State of Massachusetts Conservation Commissions Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Chapter 40, § 8C grants conservation commissions implied regulatory authority to protect aquifers. It authorizes a city or town to establish a conservation commission for the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the city or town. Such commission may adopt rules and regulations governing the use of land and waters under its control to achieve its purpose. Its authorities further include the study of land and water and subsequent creation of plans and maps consistent with the town ma.. Read More
Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Coastal Protection, Comprehensive Planning, Intermunicipal Agreements, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program offers a comprehensive vision for the preservation and development of the Long Island Sound coast in the State of New York. It focuses on four main issues: “The Developed Coast,” which seeks to incorporate the natural landscape of the sound with community development; “The Natural Coast,” which aims to achieve sustainable use of the Sound’s natural resources; “The Public Coast,” which has the goal of providing more public access to the Sound; and finally, “The Working Coast,” which encourages th.. Read More
Town of Livonia Land Conservation Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Floodplain Regulations, Historic Preservation, Open Space Preservation, Scenic Resources, Steep Slope Protection, Watershed Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law outlines the Town’s procedure for creating Land Conservation Areas, and for protecting these areas from potentially harmful development. These areas were created on the basis of a soil and existing land use survey, and have been grouped in to seven categories, which include: natural forest/woodland, wetland, steep slope, floodplain, major scenic overlook, stream corridor, watershed and sites of historical/archaeological significance. .. Read More
Town of Laytonsville Forest Conservation & Reforestation Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Forest Management, Tree Preservation & Protection, Timber Harvesting, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Forest Conservation and Reforestation Ordinance establishes a forest conservation and reforestation program for the Town of Laytonsville in compliance with the standards prescribed by the Maryland General Assembly. The Act regulates timber harvesting as well as other activities that may result in the cutting, clearing, or grading of forest and defines terms related to and including “afforestation”, “forest”, and “reforestation”. Finally, the ordinance prescribes penalties for noncompliance... Read More
Village of Larchmont Critical Environmental Areas Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Local Environmental Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
The statute designates specific areas within New York State as critical areas of environmental concern and affords protections to these areas from adverse actions prescribed by law and regulations... Read More
City of Kingston Roundout Creek & Hudson Riverfront Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Waterfront Revitalization, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law creates the Rondout Creek and Hudson Riverfront Districts, in order to afford priority to water dependant uses, achieve public access to the coastal area, control development, and to implement the policies and purposes of the City of Kingston Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. This law also sets up a permit and special permit system, for person’s seeking to build or conduct certain activities within these protected districts. .. Read More
Town of Irondequoit River Harbor District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Economic Development, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The River Harbor District, as laid out in Article XXIV of the Town Code, is designed to provide a suitable character and stable environment for the establishment and maintenance of water-dependent and/or water-enhanced uses and activities along the east bank of the Genesee River near the Port of Rochester. The district is also designed to promote appropriate residential and economic development and to improve public access to the riverfront. Other goals of the district include protection of the unique and sensitive environmental features that e.. Read More
Town of Irondequoit Environmental Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Overlay District, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of Article XI of the Town Code is to protect the environment in Irondequoit through the establishment of overlay districts established in this article which provide special controls over land development located in sensitive environmental areas within the Town of Irondequoit. .. Read More
State of Illinois Scenic Resource Protection – Township Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Local Boards, Scenic Resources, State Land Use Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Under 60 ILL. COMP. STAT. 1/115-45 (2004), corporate township authorities are granted broad authority to establish subsidiary boards to study and make recommendations for the conservation of open space in order to “maintain or enhance the conservation of natural or scenic resources.” After such a board is established, a township board may acquire, designate, plan, and zone by ordinance areas to conserve open space and other natural resources and promote sustainable development. A township may acquire land targeted for open space preservation lo.. Read More
State of Illinois Smart Growth – Local Land Resource Management Planning Act
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Smart Growth, State Land Use Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Local Land Resource Management Planning Act, 50 ILL. COMP. STAT. 805 et seq. (2004), authorizes and outlines the general principle that counties, municipalities, and townships may engage in land resource management programs. Beyond concerns associated with traditional zoning and comprehensive planning, the Act acknowledges local government interests in protecting the “land, air, water, natural resources, and environment of the State,” and encourages “socially and economically desirable” land use and planning via “Local Land Resource Managem.. Read More
State of Illinois Conservation Area Zoning – Township Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Open Space Preservation, State Land Use Law, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Under 60 ILL. COMP. STAT. 1/115-10 et seq. (2004), corporate township authorities are granted broad authority to establish subsidiary boards to study and make recommendations for the conservation of open space in order to “maintain or enhance the conservation of natural or scenic resources.” After such a board is established, a township board may acquire, designate, plan, and zone by ordinance areas to conserve open space and other natural resources, and promote sustainable development. A township may acquire land targeted for open space preser.. Read More
Township of Howell Riparian Buffers – Standards of Performance Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Buffer Zones, Development Standards, Environmental Compliance, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New Jersey
This ordinance sets forth the practices and procedures to be followed by developers and others in order to maintain the integrity of riparian habitat. This law creates a buffer zone in which private activity, such as tree cutting, disturbing soil, use of fertilizer, and use of pesticides are severely regulated. The town board holds discretion in allowing a buffer zone to be disturbed. If a buffer zone is disturbed, the developer is required to rehabilitate the buffer zone in accordance with the accepted practices set forth in this law. .. Read More
Town of Greenburgh Subdivision Regulations
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Recreational Uses, Subdivision Regulations, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 250 of Greenburgh’s Town Code regulates subdivisions. Among other requirements, the law forces the developer to provide land for recreation and open space within a subdivision... Read More
Town of Greenburgh Conservation District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Overlay District, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of this law is to provide performance criteria assuring conservation of natural resources during and after development in a conservation district (CD). The CD is to be an overlay zone over any other zone allowed in the town. The Conservation District will be evaluated by criteria set out under this provision including the development standards. .. Read More
Town of Eden Conservation Easements Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Land Acquisition, Open Space Preservation, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 95 of the Town Code for the Town of Eden provides for the acquisition of interests or rights in real property to be used for the preservation of open space and areas which shall constitute a public purpose for which public funds may be expended or advanced after due notice and a public hearing by which the Town of Eden may acquire by purchase, gift, grant, bequest, devise, lease or otherwise the fee of any lesser interest, development right, easement, covenant or other contractual right necessary to acquire open space or open area. .. Read More
State of New York Environmental Quality Review Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Environmental Impact Review Requirements, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law mandates that agencies within the state to require that an environmental impact statement be filed with them, before any person or business undertakes a project which may have potentially adverse environmental consequences. The law also describes the procedures for filing the impact statements and reviewing them. .. Read More
City of Dover Overriding Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Overlay District, Steep Slope Protection, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New Hampshire
“Overriding districts”—more commonly known as overlay districts—are superimposed on existing zoning districts. Their regulations supplement existing zoning regulations, and in this ordinance are adopted to protect watercourses and wetlands as well as steep slope areas. The ordinance is intended to preserve the flora and fauna of the community and to maintain high water quality. This ordinance is adopted under the authority of New Hampshire’s Planning and Zoning enabling act, § 674:16, and the state’s Comprehensive Shorelands Protection Act § .. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Water Supply Protection
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Water Supply Protection Code of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson establishes protective land use regulations for the watershed affecting well fields. It defines the three zones affecting the quality of the aquifer and provides a degree of regulation or management for each zone in order to protect the water supply source from contamination. The three-zone system is superimposed on existing land use zones, and requirements of the underlying districts shall continue to apply, except in the event of a conflict, where the more restrictive require.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Visual Environment Advisory Board
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Local Boards, Quality of Life, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Croton Visual Environment Advisory Board was developed to safeguard the beneficial effects of such existing natural and man-made features and structures and to prevent the harmful effects of potential unattractive or inappropriate projects and thus to promote and protect the economy, quality of life, and general welfare of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. Chapter 60 of the Municipal Code creates an Advisory Board on the Visual Environment consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor. The Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Conservation Advisory Council Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson is creating a Conservation Advisory Council in the fight to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and manmade environment of the Village in the face of population growth, urbanization, and technological change. The Conservation Advisory Council will serve to reinforce the environmental interests of the community by developing community programs to foster understanding of environmental issues, conducting studies to carry out their protective purposes, coordinating efforts of private groups, maintaining c.. Read More
Town of Clarkstown Conservation Density District Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Scenic Resources, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 290, Article II, § 290-6 of the Town Code for the Town of Clarkstown provides protection to Clarkstown’s scenic resources (including streams, wooded-areas, steep slopes, large open spaces and scenic vistas) by controlling and limiting development that would otherwise harm these scenic natural resources. .. Read More
Town of Chenango Aquifer District
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
§ 73-11 of the Town Code for the Town of Chenango contains several definitions of terms that are important to aquifer protection such as; aquifer recharge zone, watercourse, cone of depression, and toxic or hazardous material. The purpose behind this statute is to minimize the potential for contamination of the aquifer which currently supplies water to the town. This statute divides the Town of Chenango into the following types of aquifer district zones: [1] Wellhead Protection Area, [2] Aquifer Recharge Area, and [3] Watershed Area. These z.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Wetlands & Waterways Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Development Standards, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
The purpose of Chapter 81 of the Town Code, for the Town of Brookhaven is to protect surface waters, lands underwater and wetlands since they are important natural resources to the town. This statute applies to all lands defined as wetlands or waterways, to any activity in an adjacent area of a wetland or waterway, or to any activity that has the potential to adversely impact wetlands or waterways. No person shall conduct any regulated activity within such lands without obtaining permission from the town. Regulated activity includes dredging.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Wetland Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Overlay District, Site Design Standards, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Increasing demand for development on property containing wetlands and surface waters may adversely impact and impair such natural resources. This statute creates an overlay district to protect property containing such resources. This statute uses Chapter 81 of the Town Code, Articles 24 and 25 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law, and maps drawn by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to determine what areas should be considered wetlands, buffer zones, etc. and protected in the overlay district. This statute .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Tree Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Site Design Standards, Tree Preservation & Protection, Subdivision Approvals, Timber Harvesting, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 70 of the Town Code for the Town of Brookhaven regulates the destruction and removal of trees within the town. Permission must be obtained from the town before a tree can be removed from property which is zoned for commercial or industrial use or which is larger than two acres. Permission must also be obtained for acts that will cause a tree to die on such property. When determining the size of the property, contiguous parcels of property that are subject to common ownership are deemed merged. There are however, certain exemptions. .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Nature Preserves Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Scenic Resources, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of this law is to create nature preserves and to keep these areas in their existing natural or near natural state for the benefit of present and future Town residents. The law address such topics as the evaluation and dedication of parcels to nature preserve, management of nature preserves, volunteers, nature preserves designated on lands not owned by the Town, use of nature preserves, hours of operation, responsibility for loss, damage or theft, prohibitions, removal of all or portions of site from nature preserve, “Adopt-A-Preser.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Water Resources Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 28, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Chapter 78 of the Town Code for the Town of Brookhaven intends to protect local groundwater from appropriation, pollution, and removal. No person may remove subterranean water or discharge industrial waste into such water within the town without obtaining a permit. A person may remove subterranean water provided it is recharged into the ground in the town. Permits are issued only if the removal of the water or the discharge of waste will not diminish or harm the supply of groundwater. The town may charge a fee to use the water. The town ma.. Read More
County of Maui Planned Development Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Planned Development Districts, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Maui County Zoning Ordinances include provisions for Planned Development and Lot Reduction, Open Space Incentives, and Cluster Development Overlay Zones. Planned Development is intended to encourage better design and land use, protect the natural environment, minimize traffic congestion, and improve living conditions. At least 20% of Planned Developments must be preserved as protected open space and designed as a park-like area. Lot reductions of 20% and multi-unit buildings are permitted in these developments, specific numbers depending on und.. Read More
City of Peoria Desert Lands Conservation Overlay
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Desert Lands Conservation Overlay (DLCO) of the City of Peoria is designed to protect desert hillsides in the City from development. It seeks to protect the sensitive habitats of the Sonoran Desert found in Peoria by providing controls for the development of desert conservation features such as ridges and peaks, major rock outcrops, critical wildlife habitat corridors, washes and riparian habitats... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Central Pine Barrens District
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
The Town of Brookhaven, New York, uses its zoning code to prevent floods, protect floodplains and other sensitive environmental areas. The zoning contains the Pine Barrens Credit Program, a transfer of development rights program, to maintain the value in lands designated for preservation and protection. Additionally, the program allows environmentally sensitive development to occur in an efficient and orderly fashion, which protects the quality and quantity of waters and the integrity of the Suffolk County Central Pine Barrens ecosystem(s). The.. Read More
Village of Bronxville Site Plan & Subdivision Approval Standards
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Site Design Standards, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Approvals, Watershed Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Bronxville, New York, requires any land being cleared or altered, any building or other structure being constructed, demolished, moved, externally altered or enlarged, any water course, floodplain or wetlands being diverted, dredged or filled, any use of land, building, or other structure being changed, any building or other use permit being issued, to receive the final approval of a site plan granted by the Planning Board. However, detached single-family residential buildings permitted as-of-right under the applicable zoning reg.. Read More
City of Brookfield Well Head Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
This law is designed to provide protection to the City of Brookfield’s water supply. The law includes standards and regulations, relating to well head protection, which apply to businesses and residents of the City. These standards proscribe distances which must separate the City’s well heads from certain types of businesses and certain land uses. The law also has placed a ban on some activities which present a possible danger to the City’s water supply, and discusses the penalties which would accompany the violation of these regulations. .. Read More
Village of Briarcliff Manor Protection of Natural Resources Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Steep Slope Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
§ 220-15 of the Municipal Code for The Village of Briarcliff Manor promulgates policy designed to protect the Village’s natural resources which include but are not limited to steep slopes, wetlands, forests, water bodies, exceptional or unique views and various unique, unusual or specific surface or subsurface factors pertaining to the soil. Special limitations are provided to protect the largest slopes as these shall not be developed or in any way physically modified, except when necessary for access, land or natural resources, preservation or.. Read More
County of San Juan Open Space & Conservation Plan
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The San Juan County Open Space and Conservation plan is the result of an open space planning process, funded by San Juan County and The San Juan Preservation Trust. A primary goal of the plan is to identify and protect natural resources, with a focus on wildlife habitat. The plan proposes ways to implement five strategies of land conservation defined as information, education, incentives, regulation, and acquisition. .. Read More
Town of Somers Scenic Resource Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Scenic Resource Protection Ordinance seeks to safeguard the town's scenic resources, aesthetic, and cultural heritage, as embodied in the landscape and geologic features and improvements of the town. The regulation attempts to stabilize and improve property values in such scenic resource areas, preserve the semi-rural character of the town and promote traffic and pedestrian safety. .. Read More
Town of Shelter Island Nature Preserve System
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Town of Shelter Island Nature Preserve System is a regulation meant to supplement existing town regulations and procedures so that certain Town-owned and privately owned properties can be protected from inappropriate use and development. The Act is meant to protect the natural diversity that exists in natural areas that are being threatened by population growth and a developing economy. .. Read More
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 seeks to establish that all practicable means and measures be used to promote the general welfare and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony. Under the Act, Congress seeks cooperation from agencies, and international and national cooperation, in attempting to reach their goals. .. Read More
City of Biloxi Environmental Advisory Board Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Board advises the City Council gives advice and assistance on specific environmental issues to the City Manager and Planning Commission. The Board conducts studies on environmental improvements and conservation and issues reports on its findings. The advisory board also bestows annual awards to individuals and groups who contribute to environmental quality, “including development that is consistent with a quality environment.” (Code 1959, § 2-12-1; Ord. No. 1557, § 1, 6-19-89).. Read More
City of Apple Valley Natural Resources Management Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This broad natural resource management ordinance attempts to “protect, preserve, and enhance the natural resources and environment.” It forces the collection of data on the parcel in question and mandates low impact and best practices which preserve water quality, wetlands, trees, an reduce soil erosion among other issues... Read More
Town of Mamaroneck Tree Cutting Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Tree Preservation & Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 207 of the Town Code for the Town of Mamaroneck seeks to correct barren and unsightly conditions caused by the destruction or damage to shade, ornamental and evergreen trees and plants and the indiscriminate and excessive cutting of these trees in subdivisions and on private property. This Chapter sets out regulations on the removal of trees... Read More
County of Lexington-Fayette Greenspace Commission
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The urban county government of Lexington-Fayette has established a Greenspace Commission, which has been mandated to “(1) to develop a comprehensive open space plan and (2) to preserve, protect and enhance open space in the county”, and which is enabled to identify, for example, natural areas environmentally sensitive areas, and water resources and seeks to protect and preserve them and, where appropriate, to enhance them. In addition, the unique nature of this body has been the charge to “utilize and manage open space in a comprehensive and s.. Read More
County of Lexington-Fayette Rural Land Management Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Lexington-Fayette urban county government has established this ordinance as a means of institutionalizing the procedure for the protection of natural resources through conservation easement. According to the statue, found under Chapter 26 Rural Land Management (RLM), the RLM Board shall administer any conservation easement program funded by the urban county government, thus bestowing a considerable amount of discretionary power... Read More
City of Decorah Conservation & Open Space Regulations
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance was created to protect mature and young woodlands and prevent the ecological degradation of heavily wooded areas, as well as protect drainageways, wetlands, and soil erosion and sedimentation control... Read More
City of Sanibel Natural Resources Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Sanibel officials and local conservationists are concerned about the introduction of invasive exotic vegetation to the island’s fragile ecosystem. Exotic species out-compete native vegetation, creating undesirable monocultures and altering the ecological character of the island. In order to curb the introduction of exotic species, this ordinance prohibits planting specific plant species known to be invasive... Read More
County of New Castle Local Natural Resource Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance provides regulatory protection of ecologically significant lands listed on Delaware’s natural areas inventory. It aims to accomplish this through establishment of protection standards, as well as specific guidelines for areas of importance including open space, flood plains, steep slopes, and forests... Read More
City of White Plains Environmentally Sensitive Sites & Features Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
To protect environmentally sensitive features, including watercourses, wetlands, and flora and fauna habitat, this ordinance regulates any area in the proximity of these environmentally sensitive ordinances. Requirements are based on proximity to environmentally sensitive areas. .. Read More
City of Bainbridge Island Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This law focuses on the importance of having native vegetation zones in critical areas. It creates regulations for the preservation of these vegetation zones on Bainbridge Island, Washington... Read More
City of Scottsdale Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance works to preserve native desert lands and open space from development as on-lot easements or separate lots within any given property or subdivision. Natural Area Open Space (NAOS) within any given property is determined by slope and landform category and has protected thousands of acres of desert within the city’s developing landscape... Read More
City of Bloomington Environmental & Urban Design Standards
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Landscaping, Tree Preservation & Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The primary focus of this ordinance is to promote the preservation and expansion of the city’s heavily vegetated environment. There are specific requirements for development and landscaping that promote plantings which will increase the percentage of tree crown coverage, provide shade in the summer, protect from winter winds, and satisfy other environmental and aesthetic goals... Read More
Town of North Castle Tree Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Town of North Castle finds and declares that the preservation of trees as defined below is necessary to protect the quality of life in the Town of North Castle because trees provide shade, impede soil erosion, aid water absorption and retention, inhibit excess runoff and flooding, and enhance the community in various other ways. .. Read More
Town of Southwest Harbor Shellfish Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Environmental Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance works to balance the harvest of shellfish with the protection and conservation of the resource primarily by establishing restrictions on the size and amount of shellfish harvested each year... Read More
Village of Irvington Environmental Conservation Board Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Boards, Local Environmental Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Environmental Conservation Board section of the Irvington Code establishes the Irvington Environmental Conservation Board (ECB), which consists of up to nine members appointed by the Village Board to serve for terms of two years, two members of which may be selected from the sixteen to twenty-one year old age group. The ECB will work to increase resources and public programs concerning the preservation, development and use of the natural resources, features, and conditions of the Village of Irvington insofar as beauty, quality, biologic int.. Read More
Village of Briarcliff Westchester County Greenway Compact Plan Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Environmental Law, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Briarcliff has become a participating member in the intermunicipal agreement (the Greenway Compact) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York. Accepted amendments to the Greenway Compact are to be adopted by the Village of Briarcliff Manor and proposed amendments that are rejected are not to be considered amendments to the Village of Briarcliff, unless the Village determines these amendments and policies are in conflict with their comprehensive plan, which the Village Council has ultimate power to ap.. Read More
Village of Briarcliff Manor Conservation Development Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
New York
This law is designed to protect environmentally sensitive undeveloped areas, within the Village of Briarcliff Manor, from harmful development practices. To this end, the Board of Trustees authorizes the village Planning Board to approve conservation subdivisions, according to procedures outlined in the law. .. Read More
Village of Briarcliff Manor Conservation Advisory Council
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law, passed by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Briarcliff Manor, creates an advisory council which is to be known as the “Briarcliff Manor Conservation Advisory Council”. The law outlines the membership qualifications for persons on the council, describes the procedures for appointing officers, setting meeting times and creating reports, and vests the council with its powers. .. Read More
Town of Blooming Grove Tree Harvesting Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Enforcement, Landscaping, Quality of Life, Timber Harvesting, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 219 of the Town Code for the Town of Blooming Grove is intended to regulate timber harvesting, require land reclamation and utilize professional management expertise in timber harvesting. The general purpose of the article is to promote the welfare of the residents of the by protecting the natural environment and public safety as may be affected by timber harvesting. The article sets permit requirements as well as standards, enforcement authorizations and penalties... Read More
Town of Babylon Structures Over Water Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Coastal Protection, Site Plan Approval, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
Chapter 213, Article XXXII, allows building permits to be given for structures erected over water (which are usually banned under the zoning laws) if two criteria are met. Those criteria are: that the town board must find that (1) No discharges of pollutants or other activities of any kind deleterious to surrounding wetland and surface water shall be permitted to occur on the site, and (2) there shall be provision made for the safe collection and disposal of waste. .. Read More
City of Decorah Conservation & Open Space (COS) Regulations
Date Added: Thursday, March 16, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance was created to protect mature and young woodlands and prevent the ecological degradation of heavily wooded areas, as well as protect drainageways, wetlands, and soil erosion and sedimentation control... Read More
City of Ann Arbor Land Development Regulations
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Planned Unit Development, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The goal of this ordinance is to specify procedures of and materials for proposed development projects. It also provides guidelines to identify, evaluate, protect, and mitigate six types of sensitive environmental areas... Read More
County of Union Mountain Protection Plan
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance attempts to protect environmentally sensitive features within the county. Specific provisions prohibit tree removal without reforestation, conserve flora and fauna, and, and protect the counties aesthetic attributes... Read More
City of Tumwater Local Natural Resource Protection Ordinance (Comprehensive)
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Aquifer Protection, Right-to-Farm, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
This comprehensive environmental ordinance, portions of which have been added over the past twenty years, addresses a breadth of environmental concerns. These include protection standards for; trees and vegetation, aquifers, wetlands, fish and wildlife, as well as provisions for the right-to-farm, right-to-mine, and commute trip reduction. This ordinance is particularly unique in that it does not appear to be in response to a state level statute, as are many other local ordinances in Washington State. .. Read More
City of Rogers Land Alteration Regulations
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance attempts to minimize the ecological disturbances resulting from development of land. In particular, this ordinance sets up guidelines and requirements for the use of such erosion/sedimentation control structures as stormwater screenings and silt fences. The ordinance requires that developers obtain a grading permit before beginning work on a site, and that they draw up grading and drainage plans certified by engineers, detailing how erosion will be controlled and how trees will be protected... Read More
County of Kent Comprehensive Plan Update
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Chapter 7 of Kent County’s Comprehensive Plan discusses various areas of importance and recommends general guidelines for protection of these areas. Included is discussions of the importance of the preservation of wetlands, beaches and shorelines, coastal areas, and stormwater managements, as well as information regarding more specific areas such as the Silver Lake Watershed. .. Read More
Iowa City Sensitive Areas Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Sensitive Areas Ordinance (14-6K-1) was created to implement the environmental policies of the city’s comprehensive plan. It defines the reasonable use of properties which contain environmentally sensitive features. Sensitive features include wetlands, fully hydric soils, prairies remnants one acre or larger, stream corridors, archeological sites, steep slopes (18-24%), critical slopes (25-39%), protected slopes (40%+), and woodlands greater than or equal to 2 acres... Read More
City of Evansville Environmental Protection Agency
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Enforcement, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Evansville Environmental Protection Agency, through the ordinances in its portion of the city code, is tasked with control air and noise pollution. Although not an especially innovative set of environmental ordinances, it sets clear standards and enforcement mechanisms and is a good example of local command and control ordinances... Read More
County of Davidson Environmental Performance Standards
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance is predicated on the concept that land use policy decisions and zoning decisions must be made in the context of the land’s characteristics and sound environmental science. The actual language states, “The choice of residential land uses should be based on site-specific characteristics which coincide with the many available varieties of housing. Commercial land use decision-making, conversely, is likely driven more by market forces, such as location or access, than by site characteristics. It is the intent of this article to offer.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Coastal Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson, New York approved a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review Ordinance (or Chapter 225 of the Municipal Code) to ensure a proper balance between protection of natural resources and the need to accommodate population growth and economic development within the Village. The Law establishes a Waterfront Advisory Committee (WAC) in the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. First, a Village agency must prepare a coastal assessment form (CAF) to assist with the consistency review for any program approval or fu.. Read More
City of Columbia Land Preservation Act
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Columbia Code of Ordinance Land Preservation Act protects people and land by taking action to control stormwater runoff through regulating disturbances, preserving trees, and controlling stormwater drainage. .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Critical Environmental Areas and SEQRA Implementation
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Environmental Impact Review Requirements, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law creates a list of Type I and Type II actions, for the purpose of the Town implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). .. Read More
City of Ann Arbor Land Development Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Planned Unit Development, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The goal of this ordinance is to specify procedures of and materials for proposed development projects. It also provides guidelines to identify, evaluate, protect, and mitigate six types of sensitive environmental areas... Read More
Rio Grande Valley State Park Management Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New Mexico
This resolution outlines components of a management plan for a park along the Rio Grande River. It includes elements to protect the structural integrity of the river, the water quality, and the wildlife habitat along the river. It also includes an environmental monitoring component... Read More
County of Washington Environmental Protection, Erosion Prevention, and Sediment Control Rules
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management, Watershed Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Clean Water Services of Washington County is a public utility who utilize this Resolution to protect the water resources of the Tualatin River Watershed. This comprehensive standard has design specifications for construction, stormwater, erosion control, etc. It has a no visibility requirement for erosion off-site. All erosion and sediment control requirements apply to all activities and uses within the CWS service area, not just construction and development. Permitted activities require an ESC plan that is utilized during all phases of con.. Read More
Coastal Zone Management Act
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Coastal Protection, Stormwater Management, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA) and the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990 offer state governments a voluntary partnership with the federal government to protect coastal resources. To receive federal funding, participating states must create approved coastal zone management programs. The Act calls for the coordination of state and local water quality plans and specifies that federal agency activity “within or outside the coastal zone that affects any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal zone” must.. Read More
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Coastal Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson, New York approved a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review Ordinance (or Chapter 225 of the Municipal Code) to ensure a proper balance between protection of natural resources and the need to accommodate population growth and economic development within the Village. The Law establishes a Waterfront Advisory Committee (WAC) in the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. First, a Village agency must prepare a coastal assessment form (CAF) to assist with the consistency review for any program approval or fu.. Read More