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State of Illinois Affordable Housing Zoning Ordinance

Urban | Suburban | Rural
Corporate municipal authorities are granted broad powers to provide for the development of affordable housing, pursuant to 65 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/11-11.1-1 (2004. Municipal authorities may prescribe by ordinance fair and unfair housing practices, establish “Fair Housing Commissions” or “Human Relations Commissions,” prohibit discrimination based on “race, color, religion, sex, creed, ancestry, national origin, or physical or mental handicap” in transactions associated with residential occupancy, and establish penalties to enforce such ordinances. Furthermore, any regulation “which prohibits, restricts, narrows, or limits the housing choice of any person” is invalid. Commissions and municipal authorities may also conduct outreach to notify racial and ethnic groups of housing opportunities where other members of another racial group predominates residency.