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Search Results for Topic : Local Boards

Land Use Planning for Public Health: The Role of Local Boards of Health in Community Design and Development
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Local Boards, Healthy Communities, Zoning    
State: Not Applicable
This article focuses on the health issues arising from the built environment and the roles of both the government and private sector must do to combat these issues. First the article discusses issues affecting the built environment, such as decreases in water and air quality, loss of farmland, increase in traffic and residential segregation. A key focus in the article is how transportation plays a major role in shaping the built environment and how urban design can create greater quality neighborhoods. The article also goes into detail about wa.. Read More
County of Kent, Maryland Renewable Energy Task Force
Date Added: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Local Boards, Solar Energy    
In response to state and federal initiatives to reduce energy consumption and increase energy production from renewables, Kent County created its Renewable Energy Task Force to study and evaluate the benefits of renewable energy generation at multiple scales, make recommendations about appropriate renewable energy technologies, and propose policy changes and ordinance amendments. In 2011, the Task Force successfully proposed amendments to the County Code, adding both permitted use and special exception provisions for small-scale solar energy sy.. Read More
Town of DeWitt, New York Sustainability Plan & Solar Task Force
Date Added: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency, Local Boards, Solar Energy    
New York
In 2010, the Town of DeWitt, New York adopted a Sustainability Policy that stated goals and related planning initiatives to increase the Town's environmental sustainability. Following this, the Town adopted a Sustainability Plan in 2014 to provide GHG emission reduction strategies for achieving Sustainability Policy goals and to guide municipal operations. The Sustainability Policy presents a goal to “review and revise Town codes, plans and policies to support energy efficiency, renewable energy systems and green practices.” Its related plann.. Read More
Dobbs Ferry, New York Energy Task Force
Date Added: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Local Boards, Solar Energy, Zoning    
New York
The Dobbs Ferry Energy Task Force helps the Village of Dobbs Ferry become more sustainable through energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives; waste reduction and recycling; increased walking, bicycling, and transit use; and appropriate land use. The Task Force has: • Obtained NYSERDA and NYPA grants to identify and implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and continues to seek funding opportunities for similar measures; • Published the Village’s 2017 Climate Action Plan aimed at reducing the Village’s greenhouse gas .. Read More
City of Austin, Texas Resolution No. 20120426-081: Creation of Austin Local Solar Advisory Committee
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Local Boards, Solar Energy    
Austin adopted Resolution No. 20120426-081, creating the Austin Local Solar Advisory Committee, which included representatives from the solar industry, Chamber of Commerce, the environmental non-profit community, consumer advocate community, the Electric Utility Commission, and the Resource Management Commission. The Advisory Committee produced the Strategic Plan for Local Solar, providing recommendations for new policies, as well as amendments to the city’s zoning regulations, that will optimize Austin’s solar energy resource base... Read More
New York State Town Law – Site Plan Review Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Local Boards, Site Plan Approval, Zoning    
New York
This law empowers Town Boards in New York state to conduct site plan review. The law contains instructions for towns to authorize planning boards to review proposed site plans, conduct public hearings, and make rulings as to approval (i.e. approval, approval with modification, conditional approval). Planning boards are also authorized to issue variances when public policy dictates. In addition, the law outlines other functions a planning board may perform, including: requiring reservation of parkland (or money in lieu thereof) or requiring the .. Read More
New York State Town Law – Adoption of First Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
New York
This ordinance requires town boards to appoint a zoning commission, whose responsibility is to recommend boundaries of districts and regulations to be enforced in those boundaries. .. Read More
New York State Town Law – Grant of Power Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Land Use Planning, Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
New York
The following law grants authority to Town Boards in New York State to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces, the density of population, and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes; provided that such regulations shall apply to and affect only such part of a town as is outside the limits of any incorporated village or city; provid.. Read More
New York State Town Law – Ordinances & Licenses
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Local Boards, Local Governance, Street & Sidewalk Development    
New York
Article 9, sections 130-139 of New York Consolidated laws describes the authority town ordinances might have over building construction, maintenance, and removal; plumbing regulations; dwellings; sidewalks, streets, and highways; fire prevention; encroaching walls; pets and wildlife and other areas. The article also describes the procedures of effecting an ordinance, the issuing of licenses, and the role of the building inspector... Read More
New York State Town Law – Article Seventy-Eight Proceeding Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
This law creates a procedure through which a party may challenge the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Persons aggrieved by a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals may apply to the New York State Supreme Court for review through Article Seventy-Eight of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. Under this section, the Supreme Court is authorized to reverse, affirm, or modify a decision that is brought up for review... Read More
New York State Town Law – Board of Appeals Procedure Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
This statute establishes the procedure that the Zoning Board of Appeals is required to follow. The procedure includes holding meetings that are open to the public and requiring the minutes of the meetings to become public record. The statute also establishes the appellate jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals and creates the procedure and time requirements for appeals to be filed... Read More
New York State Town Law – Zoning Board of Appeals
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
This section of the New York State Town Law empowers town boards to form a zoning board of appeals composed of three to five members. Furthermore, it establishes the procedure for appointment and removal of members, the length of terms for the members, and the duties of the chairperson... Read More
State of New York Bill of Rights for Local Governments
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Land Acquisition, Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
The Bill of Rights for Local Government establishes the conditions under which local governments shall operate. In addition to procedures for the formation of local governments, this provision of the Constitution governs procedures regarding eminent domain, public utilities, and annexation of property... Read More
State of New York Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve Act
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Local Boards, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law creates the Long Island Pine Barren Maritime Reserve in Suffolk County, New York, in order to protect and preserve this area’s natural resources and scenic beauty. The law also sets forth the following: duties of the Long Island Pine Barrens maritime reserve council, a comprehensive management plan for the area, the duties of the Central Pine Barrens joint planning and policy commission, and a comprehensive land use plan for the area. .. Read More
State of North Carolina Zoning Enabling Act
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
North Carolina
Grant of power Section 153A-340 permits, but does not require, counties to pass zoning ordinances for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, or the general welfare of the community. These ordinances may regulate and restrict the size, location, and use of buildings and other structures; the percentage of lots that may be occupied; the size of yards and other open spaces; and population density. This section also allows counties to provide density credits or severable development rights pursuant to § 136-66.10 or § 136-66.11, and to.. Read More
State of North Carolina Design Control Ordinances
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Architectural Design Control    
North Carolina
Part 7 of Article 19 in Chapter 160A details the authority to cities and counties to create community appearance commissions. Section 160A-451 permits a city or county to create an official appearance commission. This commission is required to study the “visual problems” within the local government’s jurisdiction and make plans to carry out programs that will “enhance and improve” the city or county’s “visual quality and aesthetic characteristics.” § 160A-452. In addition to other its powers and duties, the commission may advise the planning ag.. Read More
Town of La Grange Training Requirements for Planning Board Members Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
New York
This law requires land use training for planning board members in The Town of La Grange. This law also enumerates other powers and duties of the Planning Board... Read More
Town of Goshen Training Requirements for Appointed Board Members Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
New York
This law requires land use training for members of the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Environmental Review Board in the Town of Goshen. The reason for the requirements is that the Town finds that ongoing continuing education is critical to the proper function of the Boards and is necessary to bring about reasoned action on submitted applications. Board members that do not comply with these zoning requirements can be removed by the Town board, after hearing, from their position. .. Read More
Town of Clarkstown Training Requirements for Appointed Board Members Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
New York
This law requires members of planning and zoning boards of appeal in Clarkstown to receive training related to their position. It follows the Rockland Municipal Planning Federation’s sample law... Read More
State of South Carolina Educational Requirements Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
South Carolina
This law requires land use training for members of planning and zoning boards of appeal and related employees in South Carolina. The law requires that planning board and zoning board of appeals members and employees attend an initial training program at the beginning of their tenure and then attend annual training programs thereafter. All programs must be approved by an advisory committee and the topic of the program can include land use planning, zoning, transportation, ethics, public hearing procedure, housing, land subdivision, and the pow.. Read More
County of Rockland Proposed Resolution for Certification of Municipal Planning & Zoning Board Members
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training, Zoning    
New York
This is a sample resolution provided by the Rockland Municipal Planning Federation for municipalities within the county to adopt. The resolution requires land use training of Planning Boards and Zoning Boards of Appeal... Read More
County of Rockland Mandatory Training Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
New York
This is a sample law provided by the Rockland Municipal Planning Federation for municipalities within the county to adopt. The resolution requires land use training of Planning Boards and Zoning Boards of Appeal. .. Read More
State of Nevada Training Requirements Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
This law requires land use training for town advisory boards in Nevada... Read More
State of Kentucky Orientation & Continuing Education Training for Planning & Zoning Officials & Staff Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
This law requires land use training for planning and zoning board of appeals members in Kentucky. The law became effective on June 21, 2001... Read More
Town of Malta Environmental Board Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Local Boards, Local Environmental Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The legislature’s intent in drafting Chapter 8 of the Town Code for the Town of Malta is to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and man-made environment within the Town. This has become more challenging in the face of population growth, urbanization, and technological change and its effect on the environment all of which impact the health, welfare and economic well-being of present and future inhabitants of the Town. Chapter 8 creates an Environmental Board which is charged with seeing that these goals are pursued. .. Read More
Town of Malta Department of Building & Planning Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Local Boards, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Zoning    
New York
Chapter 3 of the Town Code for the Town of Malta creates the Department of Building and Planning in order to provide for the efficient administration and enforcement of laws relating to planning, zoning, fire safety and prevention, building construction, the environment, development, master planning and such other areas the Town Board may deem appropriate... Read More
Town of Malta Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
This chapter of the Town Code of the town of Malta applies to the appointment, terms, functions and powers of alternate members to those appointed to serve on the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals in the Town. The use of such alternate members to fill in for those that are absent is authorized pursuant to the provisions of the chapter... Read More
State of Massachusetts Municipal Growth & Development Policy Committees Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Development Standards, Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards, Local Governance, Smart Growth    
A growth and development policy committee consisting of two or more municipalities may be established under this statute and “engage in all acts and conduct for the purpose of intergovernmental planning of balanced growth and development issues.” Paragraph one broadly defines “balanced growth and development issues.” Subject to the committee’s comment and review are issues which may have a “significant impact upon the health, safety or welfare of the member municipalities’ citizens, including issues pertaining to growth management and land us.. Read More
State of Massachusetts Conservation Commissions Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Floodplain Regulations, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
This statute grants conservation commissions regulatory authority over the use of flood plains. The statute authorizes a city or town to establish a conservation commission for the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the city or town. Such commission may adopt rules and regulations governing the use of land and waters under its control to achieve its purpose. Its authorities include the study of land and water and subsequent creation of plans and maps consistent with the town ma.. Read More
State of Massachusetts Conservation Commissions Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Chapter 40, § 8C grants conservation commissions implied regulatory authority to protect aquifers. It authorizes a city or town to establish a conservation commission for the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the city or town. Such commission may adopt rules and regulations governing the use of land and waters under its control to achieve its purpose. Its authorities further include the study of land and water and subsequent creation of plans and maps consistent with the town ma.. Read More
New York State Municipal Home Rule Law – General Powers of Local Governments to Adopt & Amend Local Laws; Restrictions
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Land Acquisition, Local Boards, Local Governance, Transportation & Land Use Planning, Street & Sidewalk Development    
New York
Municipal Home Rule Law Chapter 36-A Article 2 Section 10 articulates the powers of local county, city, town, or village governments to include: acquisition and care of highways, roads, streets, avenues, and property; acquisition of transit facilities; collection, fixing, and administration of local government rentals, charges, rates or fees; and regulation or licensing of businesses and occupations. Section 11 outlines the restriction of powers of local county, city, town, or village governments to adopt local laws, including: the regulation o.. Read More
Village of Larchmont Coastal Zone Management Commission Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Coastal Protection, Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards    
New York
The purpose of this statute is to further the common interests of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. That interest is to protect the local coastal zone and establish the Coastal Zone Management Commission to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. This statute requires the Commission to consist of 11 members (five residents of Larchmont appointed by the Village of Larchmont, five residents of the unincorporated area of Mama.. Read More
City of Peekskill Watershed Protection & Enforcement Officer
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Local Boards, Local Governance, Watershed Protection, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This ordinance establishes the position of a Watershed Protection and Enforcement Officer and sets out the membership requirements and the duties entrusted to the position, with the goal of ensuring that the Environmental Conservation Law and the Penal Law of the State of New York are adhered... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Supplementary Zoning Provisions Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Local Boards, Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
This ordinance creates the Agricultural Advisory Board. .. Read More
Town of Irondequoit Historic Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Historic Preservation, Local Boards, Landmarks & Historical Districts    
New York
Chapter 236 of the Town Code for the Town of Irondequoit recognizes the rich, varied history of Irondequoit. It was enacted to protect and enhance the landmarks and historic districts which represent distinctive elements of Irondequoit's historic, architectural, and cultural heritage; to foster civic pride in the accomplishments of the past; to protect and enhance Irondequoit's appeal to visitors and the support and stimulus to the economy thereby provided; and to insure the harmonious, orderly, and efficient growth and development of the Town.. Read More
State of Illinois Urban Renewal – Municipal Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Urban Renewal    
Under 65 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/11-11-1 (2004), corporate municipal authorities are granted broad powers to redevelop and revitalize “any blighted or slum area or any conservation area” that is a “detriment to public safety, health or morals.” Municipal authorities in communities with more than 500,000 residents may appoint a “Conservation Board” or “Department of Urban Renewal” to investigate and report on the revitalization needs in a designated “conservation area.” Those entities may also draft a “conservation plan” that addresses, inter alia, .. Read More
State of Illinois Scenic Resource Protection – Township Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Local Boards, Scenic Resources, State Land Use Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Under 60 ILL. COMP. STAT. 1/115-45 (2004), corporate township authorities are granted broad authority to establish subsidiary boards to study and make recommendations for the conservation of open space in order to “maintain or enhance the conservation of natural or scenic resources.” After such a board is established, a township board may acquire, designate, plan, and zone by ordinance areas to conserve open space and other natural resources and promote sustainable development. A township may acquire land targeted for open space preservation lo.. Read More
State of Illinois Local Boards & Practices – County Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
Primary county zoning authority is vested in the “county board” or “board of county commissioners;” however, corporate county authorities must appoint, confirm, and provide for a “zoning commission” to exercise powers delegated under general zoning enabling authority. Such commissions (a) provide public notice, (b) conduct public hearings, (c) prepare tentative reports, and (d) draft and revise proposed ordinances. County authorities may appoint a “board of appeals” pursuant to county population standards to hear all appropriate actions as spec.. Read More
State of Illinois Affordable Housing Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Affordable Housing , Local Boards, State Land Use Law    
Corporate municipal authorities are granted broad powers to provide for the development of affordable housing, pursuant to 65 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/11-11.1-1 (2004. Municipal authorities may prescribe by ordinance fair and unfair housing practices, establish “Fair Housing Commissions” or “Human Relations Commissions,” prohibit discrimination based on “race, color, religion, sex, creed, ancestry, national origin, or physical or mental handicap” in transactions associated with residential occupancy, and establish penalties to enforce such ordinances.. Read More
Town of Goshen Moderate Income & Affordable Housing Law
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Affordable Housing , Local Boards    
New York
The Moderate Income and Affordable Housing Local Law recognizes the need for affordable housing and establishes development standards, eligibility requirements (priority given to emergency personnel and municipal employees), maintenance and tax assessments for affordable housing units. Additionally, the ordinance establishes a Housing Review Board to oversee and administer these program objectives... Read More
Town of Eden Agriculture Advisory Committee
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Local Boards, Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
Chapter 5 of the Town Code for the Town of Eden creates the Agricultural Advisory Committee for the Town and describes its powers and duties. .. Read More
State of New York Environmental Quality Review Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Environmental Impact Review Requirements, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law mandates that agencies within the state to require that an environmental impact statement be filed with them, before any person or business undertakes a project which may have potentially adverse environmental consequences. The law also describes the procedures for filing the impact statements and reviewing them. .. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Visual Environment Advisory Board
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Local Boards, Quality of Life, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Croton Visual Environment Advisory Board was developed to safeguard the beneficial effects of such existing natural and man-made features and structures and to prevent the harmful effects of potential unattractive or inappropriate projects and thus to promote and protect the economy, quality of life, and general welfare of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. Chapter 60 of the Municipal Code creates an Advisory Board on the Visual Environment consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor. The Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Greenway Compact Plan Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson has become a participating community in the intermunicipal agreement, the Greenway Compact Plan, whose policies, principles and guides are adopted from compendiums based on tourism and economic development, the maintenance of the Hudson River waterfront, building livable downtowns, growing smarter together, and patterns for the county’s preservation. Where appropriate, new land use laws should conform to the standards of the Greenway Compact Plan, but at no time should this intermunicipal agreement limit the auth.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Conservation Advisory Council Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson is creating a Conservation Advisory Council in the fight to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and manmade environment of the Village in the face of population growth, urbanization, and technological change. The Conservation Advisory Council will serve to reinforce the environmental interests of the community by developing community programs to foster understanding of environmental issues, conducting studies to carry out their protective purposes, coordinating efforts of private groups, maintaining c.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Training for Local Boards Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Local Boards, Mandatory Training    
New York
The Town of Brookhaven created this local law to mandate certified educational training for all Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board members and to require notification of such a requirement to prospective members. Procedure is also given for removal of members if in violation of this law... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Historic Preservation District
Date Added: Friday, April 28, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Historic District Preservation, Local Boards    
New York
This law empowers the Town Planning Board to create a Historic Preservation District in the Town of Brookhaven. The law also includes provisions for: creating the Historic District Advisory Committee, the possible exclusion of religious institutions from the district, the maintenance and taxation requirements for structures within the district, and the penalties for disobeying the requirements of the law for persons owning buildings within the district. .. Read More
City of Biloxi Environmental Advisory Board Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Board advises the City Council gives advice and assistance on specific environmental issues to the City Manager and Planning Commission. The Board conducts studies on environmental improvements and conservation and issues reports on its findings. The advisory board also bestows annual awards to individuals and groups who contribute to environmental quality, “including development that is consistent with a quality environment.” (Code 1959, § 2-12-1; Ord. No. 1557, § 1, 6-19-89).. Read More
Village of Irvington Environmental Conservation Board Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Boards, Local Environmental Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Environmental Conservation Board section of the Irvington Code establishes the Irvington Environmental Conservation Board (ECB), which consists of up to nine members appointed by the Village Board to serve for terms of two years, two members of which may be selected from the sixteen to twenty-one year old age group. The ECB will work to increase resources and public programs concerning the preservation, development and use of the natural resources, features, and conditions of the Village of Irvington insofar as beauty, quality, biologic int.. Read More
Village of Bronxville Planning Board Rule of Reason
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Boards    
New York
The Village of Bronxville Planning Board and Design Review Committee is guided by a rule of reason when discharging its duties. Provisions the board follows are in accordance with legislative intent and are applied on the basis of reasonableness, consistency, practicability, fundamental fairness and interest of the applicant and Village... Read More
Village of Bronxville Planning Board Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Local Boards    
New York
The Village of Bronxville established a planning board to prepare a Village Comprehensive Plan and to review and either approve or disapprove of site plans and subdivisions. This law provides the terms, vacancies, compensation and disqualification of planning board members and gives specific powers to the planning board... Read More
Village of Briarcliff Manor Conservation Advisory Council
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law, passed by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Briarcliff Manor, creates an advisory council which is to be known as the “Briarcliff Manor Conservation Advisory Council”. The law outlines the membership qualifications for persons on the council, describes the procedures for appointing officers, setting meeting times and creating reports, and vests the council with its powers. .. Read More
City of Albuquerque Subdivision Plat Procedures & Submission Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Local Boards, Pre-Application & Consensus Building    
New Mexico
There is a moment reserved in the process for subdivision plat approvals where the applicant may be advised to schedule a review session with the Development Review Board by the Planning Director. In addition, mediation is considered as one of several methods of resolving conflicts arising through the complaint process for regulations in the zoning code, including those for community residential programs and emergency shelters. .. Read More
Town of Yorktown Article II: Conservation Board; § 10-7. Creation; Powers & Duties; Membership
Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
The Town of Yorktown has created a Conservation Board pursuant to General Municipal Law section 239-x. The Town Board appoints ten members to the Conservation Board and the conservation board members serve for three year terms... Read More
Town of Dunn Rural Preservation Program
Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
This ordinance creates the Town of Dunn Land Trust Commission. This commission was established to preserve the rural character of the town, determine the interests of the land owners, recommend land acquisition, recommend changes to the Open Space program, and conduct public hearing. The ordinance specifies the board makeup as well as the procedures they must follow... Read More
Village of Port Jefferson Required Training for Members of Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals
Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
The Required Training for Members of Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals Law (or § 250-54) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Port Jefferson recognizes that the training of planning board and zoning board of appeals members is essential to allow them to carry out their duties. Minimum training requirements are set out and reimbursement provisions are provided for cost of training as well as travel, lodging, and meal expense... Read More
Village of Port Chester New York Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals Training
Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law requires that the members of the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals, for the Village of Port Chester, meet mandatory training and attendance requirements, in order to ensure that these members understand the authority given to them, and have the request knowledge of land use law in order to apply their power appropriately. .. Read More
New York State Town Law: § 283. Issuance of Licenses and Permits in Certain Towns
Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
In towns which have a building department, which has been set up as an adjunct of the town planning board, this law gives authority to that department to issue all license or permits, and to collect whatever fees are required by law. .. Read More
New York State Town Law: § 282. Court Review
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law describes the procedure for appealing an adverse decision made by a town zoning board. All appeals are reviewed by a special term of the supreme court in the manner provided by article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules. .. Read More
New York State Town Law: § 271. Town Planning Board, Creation & Appointment
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law describes the creation and appointment procedures for Planning Boards in Towns located in New York State. The law specifies such things as: what persons are eligible for positions on the Planning Boards, what the term of service should be for these positions, the size of the Boards, and the voting procedures. .. Read More
New York State Town Law: § 267-b. Permitted Action by a Town Board of Appeals
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law describes the procedures to be used by Zoning Boards of Appeals in towns within New York State. The topics covered include: orders, requirements, decisions, interpretations, determinations, use variances, area variances, and imposition of conditions. .. Read More
New York State General City Law: Chapter 21; Article 3 Official Maps & Planning Boards; § 27 Planning Board, Creating & Appointing
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law authorizes cities in New York State to create Planning boards, and describes the appointment procedures for these boards. The law specifies such things as what persons are eligible for positions on the Planning Boards, what the term of service should be for these positions, the size of the Boards, and the voting procedures. .. Read More
New York State General City Law: § 21 Public or Municipal Purpose & General Welfare Defined
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law sets forth the definitions for “public or municipal purpose” and “general welfare.” .. Read More
New York State General City Law: Article 2-A. Powers of Cities; § 19 General Grant of Powers
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
According to this New York State law, every city is granted the power to regulate, manage and control its property and local affairs... Read More
New York City Housing Development Corporation Act
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
Legislation creating and empowering the New York City Housing Development Corporation. .. Read More
Town of North Salem Planning Board Meeting Attendance Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law creates attendance requirements for persons on the Town Planning Board of North Salem, NY. .. Read More
City of Albuquerque Environmental Planning Commission
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New Mexico
These ordinances create boards to deal with Environmental Planning, Beautification, the Albuquerque Bicycle Network, Open Space, and Recreational Trails. .. Read More
City of Lincoln Urban Design Committee
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
This ordinance formally establishes an Urban Design Committee within the city of Lincoln, appointed to "improve the quality of life through urban design." This goal is based on considerations of "the impact of physical development upon the environment," among other quality of life goals, and charges the group with advising the city on "matters relating to urban design, visual relationships, architectural design, and aesthetics," allowing for a forum to address the environmental impacts of proposed urban development... Read More
City of Lincoln Community Forestry Advisory Board
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Environmental Law, Local Governance    
This ordinance formally establishes a community advisory board within the city of Lincoln, appointed to develop "a comprehensive community forestry management plan" and to make recommendations to the mayor on "proposals concerning public arboreal resources," ensuring that these issues will be addressed as municipal priorities... Read More
New York State Constitution Article IX. Local Governments
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
Article IX of the Constitution of the State of New York defines the peripheral rights delegated to local government. The local government shall have a legislative body, controls the election planning elected by the people or appointment, allocate funding for the local government, and confer powers to the local government regarding enactments of laws and statutes... Read More
State of Louisiana Training Requirements for Local Boards Act
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
This bill requires land use training for local boards in Louisiana... Read More
City of Bloomington Environmental Quality and Conservation Commission
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
The commission is tasked with collecting information on the environmental condition of the city and making recommendations to the city government. They have a large amount of flexibility and can conduct hearings, hire consultants, collect data, review the work of city departments, and generally assess the city’s environmental performance... Read More
City of Hollywood Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Affordable Housing , Local Boards, Local Governance    
This Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Ordinance authorizes the creation of the Hollywood Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for the purpose of recommending initiatives to encourage and facilitate affordable housing options. This section establishes guidelines for the composition of the committee and minimum recommendations such as: density levels, reduction of parking and setback requirements, expedited processing permits, modification of impact fees, reservation of infrastructure capacity, allowance of zero-lot-line configurations, and.. Read More
Town of Gardiner Commission for the Conservation of the Environment Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
Town of Gardiner Commission for Conservation of the Environment establishes the guidelines for the Commission, including the Commission’s intent, membership, powers, and required reports. The Commission’s intent is to conserve, preserve, and improve the natural and man-made environment of Gardiner in order to protect the health, welfare, and well being of the town’s citizens. The Commission’s duties include: advising the town board, conducting studies and surveys, obtaining and maintaining town maps, and working cooperatively with the Planning .. Read More
State of New York Training Requirements for Zoning Board & Planning Board Members
Date Added: Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This Bill requires land use training zoning board and planning board members in New York State... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Required Attendance at Public Meetings for Members of Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
The Town of Brookhaven created this local law to establish minimum attendance requirements for all Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board members... Read More
New York’s Second Land Use System: A Description of New York City Land Use Law
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Land Use Planning, Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
Kathryn M. Ryan’s paper describes New York City's complex zoning regulations. Its purpose is to condense and explain the most important features of that code in a digestible format. It relies heavily on materials to be found on a variety of the City’s web pages, including that of the Department of City Planning, some of which is presented here verbatim... Read More
Accessory Uses of Land in New York State
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Accessory Uses , Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
Accessory Uses of Land in New York State, by Jeffery B. Durocher, explains how local communities take different approaches to permitting accessory uses of land, using the test of whether the proposed use is incidental and customary to the primary use of the land. The article also explains that religious and educational uses are usually permitted in residential areas because they contribute to the general welfare... Read More
State of New York Series I: Basic Tools and Techniques Issue Number 3 Local Boards and Practices
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Land Use Planning, Local Boards    
New York
The New York state legislature has created a system of local boards to govern the use and conservation of land and the quality of life as it is affected by land use. The local legislature adopts zoning and land use regulations; after a zoning code is adopted by this first group, a zoning board of appeals is created to perform quasi-judicial and administrative functions; and a planning board is created to perform advisory and administrative functions related to community planning and land use decision-making... Read More
State of New York Local Leaders Guide to Moratorium on Development
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Local Boards, Moratoria    
New York
This instructional paper gives local leaders an overview of ways in which to implement a moratorium on development in their communities. The paper covers such topics as: defining moratoria on development, the purpose of creating a moratorium on development, how and when to implement the moratorium, the authority under which communities are able to implement the moratorium, a description of what limitations and concerns may come up, and examples of municipalities putting moratoria into action. .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Agricultural Advisory Board Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Local Boards, Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
Brookhaven’s Agricultural Advisory Board ordinance allows for the creation of an 11-member advisory board. The board, comprised of local residents from the agricultural community and community-based organizations interested in land preservation and agriculture, makes recommendations to the town board about the implementation of an Agricultural Use Agreement Program and the use of agricultural easements as land use planning and preservation tools. .. Read More