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Form-Based Codes: Lessons Learned from a Mount Holly, NJ Case Study

New Jersey
Township Of Mount Holly   
Urban | Suburban | Rural
Form-based code merge design specifications for land development with transportation elements in order to attain the desired built environment and encourages a mix of uses and building types while emphasizing form and function. It governs building massing, streetscapes, and parking locations to promote development or redevelopment. Form-based codes were implemented in municipalities, including Mount Holly Township, throughout New Jersey as a part of the Mobility and Community Form Initiative, which is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). Mount Holly adopted form-based code to implement the land use goals of the Township Master Plan and the goals and objectives of the Mount Holly Township Strategic Revitalization Plan. This case study compiled lessons learned throughout the process of developing the community’s form-based code that can be applied to other municipalities in developing and adopting form-based codes of their own.